Spanish Village Changes Name

B1 – Intermediate

The problem between Russia and Ukraine is getting worse and worse. It is necessary to find ways to make everyone know about the problem. We have to do our part to help the victims of this war.

As a way of helping, a Spanish village had decided to change its name from “Fuentes de Andalucia” to “Ukraine”. They also changed the names of some streets in their village.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about the Spanish village that changed its name.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with this change in the name of the village? Why or why not?
  2. How would you feel if your village or city changed its name?
  3. What are the good and bad things about changing the name of a place?
  4. What are ways to make people know about the problems in Ukraine?
  5. How can we help Ukraine?

Why Is It so Hard to Escape Poverty?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Poverty is one of the worst parts of society and is a major contributor to economic inequality. When people are in poverty, most governments give relief funds to help.

However, when they start being able to work, they find out that they are losing money, which encourages those in poverty to stop working, and so the next generations, and the cycle continues. This is known as the welfare trap.

To find out more, let’s watch this video about the paradox of poverty.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What strategies can the government use to prevent the welfare trap from happening?
  2. In your opinion, is the welfare trap important to try and fix?
  3. Have you heard or seen anyone stuck in this trap? Talk about them.
  4. What do you think about the universal basic income or free money with no strings attached?
  5. What are some government programs that address the issue of poverty in your country?

India’s Caste System

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Imagine being born in a group that predetermines the entire aspect of your future. From the school you are going, the job you are going to have and even the selected group where you can choose who you’re going to marry. This is India’s caste system.

Watch the video and find out the basic concept of this system.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is India’s caste system and how does it work?
  2. Who are the untouchables and why are they treated poorly?
  3. How does the caste system affect India’s social order?
  4. Do you find this social stratification fair? Share your opinion on this.
  5. Do you think the caste system can be completely eradicated? Explain your point.

Death Sentence of a Man with Learning Disabilities

B2 – Upper Intermediate

One of the basic principles of a civilized country is that the punishment should fit the crime. There are different forms of punishment depending on the severity of the crime committed. However, when the offender is not of sound mind or has intellectual disabilities the same punishment may not fit the crime.

Read the article on how Singapore court upholds death sentence of man with learning disabilities.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the Singaporean court’s decision on this case? Explain your stand.
  2. What is the punishment for drug traffickers in your country?
  3. How should offenders with disabilities be dealt with in the criminal justice system?
  4. Has there been any controversial legal case in your country that has drawn massive condemnation? Talk about it.

Russian Athletes Face Backlash

B2 – Upper Intermediate

War is never good and it results in unspeakable crimes against humanity. Generally, ordinary people do not support wars. However, there are some who do and this is made even more controversial when these popular personalities such as athletes do it in an international sports event.

Read the article about Russian athletes expressing their support for the invasion of Ukraine.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of Russian athletes openly supporting the war?

2. What is your opinion on some major sport organizers banning athletes from countries at war?

3. Talk about some sports personalities you know of who have received backlash for publicly supporting controversial actions or ideologies?

4. Is it fair for sponsors to pull out because this? Explain your point.

Macron Vows to ‘Piss Off’ Unvaccinated

B2 – Upper Intermediate

President Emmanuel Macron promised to make the lives of the unvaccinated population in France difficult and inconvenient. He did so using what some people say, unfit language. This did not sit well with everyone in the country.

Read about the reactions to Macron’s statements about his strategy with the unvaxxed citizens of France.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to Macron’s statements on making unvaccinated people’s lives “in the shit”?
  2. Some people think that what he did and the things he said were divisive. Do you agree or disagree?
  3. What is it like being unvaxxed in your country?
  4. What do you think of unvaccinated people?
  5. What might be reasons people refuse to get vaxxed?

Covid Vaccine Passports Could Discriminate

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As Covid-19 vaccination rates increase, the economy reopens. As a result, decision makers and public officials have considered the idea of a “vaccine passport”. This is required to provide proof of vaccination before traveling or conducting daily work and other activities in order to allow human mobility while protecting lives. Although there are a lot of benefits from it, the cons on the other hand, are quite controversial.

Read the article and be able to answer and answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of “vaccine passports”? Do you agree that it could lead to discrimination?
  2. What do you think are its pros and cons?
  3. What are your thoughts on people who don’t want to get vaccinated?

Why Are We Wasting So Much Food?

C1 – Advanced

It’s all too common in this day and age that food waste statistics are jarring. Food can be wasted in the supply chain that begins on the farm, then goes through the harvest, packing, processing, and retail shops.

There are 1 billion malnourished people around the globe and yet one-third of edible food products are wasted every year.

Watch the video to know more about food waste.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How can food-waste minimization be achieved? What can you do in your daily life to limit food waste?
  2. With food prices so low, how can we convey to consumers the value of food and importance of not wasting it? 
  3. What are the top three things governments can do to encourage food loss and waste reduction in their countries? 

Nuclear Weapons

B1 – Intermediate

In 1945, the United States of America dropped nuclear bombs in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed instantly and more suffered the impact of the nuclear attacks in the years that followed.

It was a dark day in history and it should never happen again. Every country should have the responsibility to ensure this never takes place ever again.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about the issue on nuclear weapons.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree or disagree: “Nuclear weapons are the worst thing invented by man.”? Explain.
  2. What do you know about the nuclear attacks in Japan during World War 2?
  3. Why mustn’t nuclear weapons be used ever again?
  4. Is it necessary for countries to have nuclear weapons? Explain.
  5. Will it be beneficial for your country to have nuclear weapons and military nuclear programs? Why or why not?


B1 – Intermediate

One problem we have is overpopulation. The world’s population is getting bigger and bigger. This situation can lead to many problems.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about the issue overpopulation.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the consequences of overpopulation?
  2. What are the causes of this problem and how can this be resolved?
  3. What is your opinion on overpopulation?
  4. Would you like few or many children? Explain your choice.
  5. What might be reasons some people have so many children?
  6. Talk about problems/issues related to population in your country.