Building a Personal Brand

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Whether one has got a big online presence or not, that can still be considered as personal brand. How we shape it lies in our own hands. Going through the process of building a personal brand might be intimidating, but it can most definitely be a concrete path to not only professional, but also personal development.

It is important to know how to build a brand that encapsulates what you do, who you want to share your your talents and expertise with, and what kind of impact you wish to create in your industry.

Learn more on how to create a personal brand that you are happy about through this video.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Define “personal brand”. “In our connected world, every single one of us has a personal brand, whether we like it or not.” Use this phrase in your own sentence.
  2. What does “stumped” mean, “If you’re stumped, think about how you can stand out from the crowd in your industry.“? Give a similar word or phrase and use ‘stumped’ in your own sentence.
  3. What does ”to stand out from the crowd” mean, “If you’re stumped, think about how you can stand out from the crowd in your industry.”? Give a similar word or phrase and use ‘to stand out from the crowd’ in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How important is personal brand important?
  2. People often think of personal branding as bragging, self-promotion, and all about yourself thing. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
  3. What specific talents or expertise would you like to acquire and what impact do you think it will have on your career if you had them?
  4. What do you think is the biggest impact you’ve created on others so far in your years of being in your profession?
  5. Try to come up with your own mission statement containing the following: who you are, what you do, who you do it for, and the transformation you can create in people’s lives.
  6. What are your thoughts on this: “70% of hiring professionals have rejected a candidate because of something they found online.”?

Every Job Is An Opportunity

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A job is more than a paycheck. It’s a platform for learning, growth, and advancement. By seeing every job as an opportunity, individuals can unlock their full potential, extract valuable lessons, and make the most out of their career journey.

Discover 5 reasons why every job can be a stepping stone towards career dreams. Despite feeling uninspired sometimes, jobs offer growth opportunities. Don’t miss this eye-opening article by Jakob Sauppe!

Vocabulary Questions:

1. What is the meaning of the phrase “Achilles’ heel” in a sentence “Every one of us has an Achilles’ heel in our work lives.” Use it in a sentence.

2. In a sentence “If you made a positive, memorable impression, that could be your ticket to moving up.”, explain the meaning of the word “ticket” and use it in a sentence.

3. Explain the idiom “right off the bat” in the sentence “I sincerely doubt many people turn out successful right off the bat.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree that every job is an opportunity? Why or why not?
  2. What other values did you learn from the article?
  3. How can you use your job as an opportunity to improve?
  4. How does the mindset of viewing every job as an opportunity to excel impact your approach to your work and your overall job performance?
  5. Share success stories of individuals who turned challenges into opportunities for career growth.

Unlimited Vacation

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Unlimited PTO (personal time off) is a type of employee benefit where an organization allows its employees to take as much time off work as they want or need, without a specific limit or maximum number of vacation days.

This means that employees are free to take as much time off as they want, as long as they meet their work responsibilities and performance goals. Unlimited vacation policies are usually focused on results and outcomes rather than hours worked, giving employees more autonomy and flexibility to manage their own schedules and workloads.

Watch the video about the pitfalls of unlimited PTO. Be able to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “talent retention” mean? “Unlimited time off policies help employees with their talent retention.” Use the word in a sentence.
  2. What does “backfire” mean? “Unlimited PTO(personal time off) can backfire if the company culture looks down on taking time off.” Use the word in a sentence.
  3. What does the word “pitfall” mean? “There are potential pitfalls that can make time off with no limits too much of a good thing.” Give 2 synonyms and use the word ‘pitfall’ in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What’s your opinion on unlimited PTO (personal time off) for employees?
  2. Do see this taking off even further in your country and in the whole world? Why or why not?
  3. What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of introducing an unlimited vacation policy in the workplace?
  4. What are your company’s vacation policies and how do you feel about them? Share some of your thoughts.
  5. Do you agree/disagree that ’employees desire for flexibility is stronger now than ever before’? Share your opinion.

Unusual Jobs You Might Not Know Exist

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It’s not unusual now to have a job that can be difficult to explain to people who are used to more common ones such as a teacher or a manager.

Read the article and learn from the stories of representatives with some unusual professions.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “confidant” mean, “Friend for hire, organizer, confidant, non-complaining member of the wedding party  – if you get along well with people and want to help a bride’s wedding day run smoothly, then this could seriously be a job to consider.“? Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What does “side hustle” mean, “If you’re patient or perhaps you just enjoy people watching, and you don’t mind being out in the elements, you could make line standing a side hustle that could earn you money.”? Use it in your own sentence.
  3. What does “strike a chord” mean, “You never know what’s going to strike a chord and be the spark that ignites a career you’ll love.”? Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever had an unusual job? What about your friends or relatives? Have they? Why or why not?
  2. Are there any other professions that are hard to understand or explain for you? What are they and try explaining them.
  3. What are the pros and cons of having a bizarre job?
  4. Why do you think people might choose such professions?
  5. How do you explain to others what your job is about?

Sensitivity Readers

B1 – Intermediate

Roald Dahl and Ian Fleming are famous authors. Roald Dahl wrote “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and Ian Fleming, the “James Bond” novels. Their novels are classics. 

However, many things have changed in our society since these books were written more than 50 years ago. Language that were considered acceptable then, might be offensive now.

So, some classic novels have to be edited by what we call “sensitivity readers”. Publishing companies let “sensitivity readers” check for words that might not be politically-correct now.

Read the article on sensitivity readers.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does ”upset” mean here, ”They are worried that language in older books might upset people today, especially children.”? Give two synonyms of the word ‘upset’ and use it in your own sentence.
  2. What does the expression “belong to another time” mean, “A lot of the language they check belongs to another time.” Use this idiom in your own sentence.
  3. What does “character” mean, “The recent edits of the James Bond books are because of insensitive language about black characters and women.” Use this word in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why are sensitivity readers important?
  2. What do you think of the job of sensitivity readers?
  3. Should classic novels be edited to be politically-correct? Why/why not?
  4. How would you feel reading a book that contains language that might be considered offensive now?
  5. Name one classic book that you read. Were there parts that you thought were offensive?

The Billion-Dollar eSports Industry

B2 – Upper Intermediate

More and more teenagers now prefer playing computer games to doing traditional sports. For them, it would be a dream job if they could play video games for a living.

Watch the video to know more about the billion-dollar eSports industry.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the phrase “on the cusp” mean, “We haven’t really had our biggest victory yet, but we are really on the cusp of it and I’m certain there we’re going to have it very soon.“? Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What does “fit for a king” mean, “When they’re not on the road, most American teams go back to Los Angeles, the unofficial home of eSports in the US, where their franchises pay for them to live in mansions fit for [a] king.“? Use this idiom in your own sentence.
  3. What does the idiom “rise (up) through the ranks” mean, “I would describe it like we’re playing like the NBA or something and you rise up through the ranks.”? Use this expression in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of eSports?
  2. What can you say about how professional egamers’ life was presented in the video?
  3. The popularity of games at times even surpasses the popularity of traditional sports. Do you see this as a problem? Explain.
  4. Do you agree that perseverance is very important in eSports? Is it true about every sport?
  5. What might be reasons parents don’t support their children getting involved in egaming?
  6. Is it possible to become a successful gamer even if you haven’t started at an early age? Explain.
  7. Why do you think the life of a pro gamer requires discipline?

Tip Culture Reaches Tipping Point

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Tip culture refers to the custom of leaving a gratuity or “tip” for service workers in certain countries, particularly in the United States. It is customary to leave a tip for a variety of service providers, such as servers in restaurants, bartenders, hairdressers, and taxi or ride-share drivers, among others.

Tipping culture in the United States can be controversial. Some people argue that tipping culture is out of control and places an undue burden on consumers, while others believe that tipping is an important way to ensure that service workers are fairly compensated for their work.

Watch the video to learn more about it and be able to discuss the questions below:

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the phrase “tipping point” mean? “The pressure to tip has reached its tipping point.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does the word “tab” mean in this sentence, “Patrons often feel guilted into adding a few bucks to the tab.”? Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does the phrase “strike back” mean, “Some service workers are striking back.” Make one sentence using the phrase.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you give tips or have you given tips before? Is tipping customary in you country? What do you think of tipping?
  2. What are your thoughts on pre-set tipping options?
  3. What is your reaction to delivery people waiting for orders to pile up for those people who do not tip upfront?
  4. What is your opinion that some service workers are taking into account whether you tip or not upfront and that could impact the quality of their service?
  5. Do you agree with what the etiquette experts say about tipping? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
  6. Which workers do you think should be given tips? Explain why.

Turn Mundane Task into Meaningful Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Mundane tasks are those uninteresting and unexciting duties that we all have to do. Despite appearing insignificant, they can accumulate and leave us feeling tired and demotivated.

In the office, there are several mundane tasks that people have to perform, such as making photocopies, filing papers, or cleaning up their desks. While these tasks may not be enjoyable, they are crucial for maintaining smooth operation in the workplace.

Needless to say, mundane tasks can be discouraging, but they are necessary evil.

For more tips on how to make these tasks more manageable and enjoyable, check out the full article.

Vocabulary Questions

  1. What does the idiom “sweep something under the rug” mean in the sentence “Just because we don’t like something, doesn’t mean we get to sweep it under the rug.”? Use it in a sentence. 
  2. What is the meaning of the phrase “to rack one’s brain” in the sentence, “I would rack my brain for ways to turn dull, boring games into high-octane ones”? Explain your understanding of this phrase and use it in a sentence.
  3. What does the idiom “fit the bill” mean, “Mundane tasks are often things we don’t want to do, so they fit the bill.” Use it in another sentence.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are some benefits of completing mundane tasks?

2. How do you think breaking a task down into smaller parts help with productivity? 

3. What advice does the author give for making mundane tasks more enjoyable? 

4. What are some mundane tasks that you find particularly challenging or unpleasant, and how do you usually approach it? 

5. In what ways can technology assist with completing mundane tasks?

6. Does doing what you don’t want to do first work for you? Why or why not?

Influential People You Should Befriend At Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

According to experts, if you generate the patronage of mediators, socialites, and other high profile people, you will move ahead in your career.
And to get ahead of the curve in your profession, performing your specific task is not enough. Additionally, you must establish competencies in interacting with your fellow employees. Popularity can be attributed to whoever holds the most prominent role. To elevate your career, you must acquire the ability to discern who has authority in a room.

To learn more, follow the link and read the full article.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “top of mind” mean, “They are often top of mind for professional opportunities inside and outside of the organization and are likely to be well networked themselves.“? Use this expression in your own sentence.
  2. What does “a hard/bitter pill to swallow” mean, “They hate to give you a hard pill to swallow, but you don’t have documentational evidence, so we can’t do anything about it.”? Use this idiom in a sentence.
  3. What does “to climb [up] the company/corporate ladder” mean, “Politicians understand that doing the job alone is not enough to climb the company ladder.”? Use this phrase in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree or disagree to this statement: “To get ahead in your career, it’s not enough do your job. You also need to learn how to manage relationships with your co-workers.”. Explain your perspective.
  2. Do you think managers should be friends with their subordinates? Why? Why not?
  3. What are the advantages and pitfalls of the connection that exists between employers and staff members?
  4. Do you feel at ease making friends with the prominent individuals at work? Why? Why not?
  5. What kind of people are you friends at work? Why is this?

Rage Applying

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There’s no denying that everyone gets stressed with their job one way or another. There are lots of contributing factors as to why employees get sick and tired of their jobs. On the contrary, people are using this very stress they get from work to move to greener pastures.

Read the article to learn about rage applying and how it can possibly benefit employees.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to be fed up with someone/something” mean in the sentence, “She was fed up with her job.? Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What does “jump from the frying pan into the fire” mean here, “You have the potential to jump from the frying pan into the fire.“? Use this idiom in your own sentence.
  3. What does “telltale” mean here, “A tell-tale sign of rage applying is when candidates pursue about a dozen different jobs.“? Use this word in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on rage applying?
  2. In your opinion, what are the reasons some workers are rage applying?
  3. What are the pros and cons of rage applying?
  4. Do you consider your job stressful? If yes, what are your coping mechanisms?
  5. Have you done rage applying? If yes, why? If not, would you consider doing it?