Brown Shoes Could Lose You a Job

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When you show up for a job interview, you need to ‘dress the part’. This means that you need to wear clothes that would make you look very suitable for the job you are applying for.

If you dream of being an investment banker in the UK, you need to be wearing the right color of shoes to get that job. According to a report published by the U.K. Social Mobility Commission, it’s possible to lose a chance at a job if you don’t fit the classic look of a ‘polished city banker’.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Describe a complete outfit you’d wear to a job interview.
  2. Should a job applicant be judged by what they are wearing rather than their skills or qualifications?
  3. One respondent in this study said he even had to change his accent. What is something that you changed or willing to change in order to get a job?
  4. Why are looks very important in some jobs?
  5. Talk about some ‘unwritten expectations’ of Spanish workers in your own industry.
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