Night Vision

B1 – Intermediate

Scientists have given mice the ability to see in the dark. Cells found in mice’s retinas are also found in humans. Researchers hope that one day humans may be able to see in the dark.

Let’s read the article to know how these rodents were able to see better in the dark.

Discussion Questions:

1. What did scientists inject into the mice’s eyes?
2. How long did the effects of injections last?
3. What do you think of this research?
4. Would you like to be able to see in the dark? Why or why not?
5. What is your opinion on technologies like this that give humans abilities that are beyond what’s normal?

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10 replies on “Night Vision”

1. What did scientists inject into the mice’s eyes?

They injected tiny particles that let the mice see better in the dark.

2. How long did the effects of injections last?
For around 10 weeks

3. What do you think of this research?

In my opinion is useless beyond militar purposes. Maybe for miners would be useful.

4. Would you like to be able to see in the dark? Why or why not?

I wouldn’t, I don’t find it useful unless you live in places that don’t receive enough artificial lights. In a city I find this such as “self-defeating”

5. What is your opinion on technologies like this that give humans abilities that are beyond what’s normal?

I like those technologies but I would like to be prioritized to people with some disability, for example instead of injecting particles to see in the dark it would be awesome if we have something to help blind people. But of course we cannot deny that war (unfortunately) is one of the reason of biggest tech advancements.

Well done carrying on with your writing practice. You are doing a good job so far.

Here is how you can revise this sentence:

In my opinion is useless beyond militar purposes. Maybe for miners would be useful.

In my opinion, it is useless beyond military purposes. Maybe for miners this technology could be useful.

Until your next entry!

1. What did scientists inject into the mice’s eyes?
They injected special nanoparticles into mice´s eyes.
2. How long did the effects of injections last?
The effect of the injections lasted for around 10 weeks.
3. What do you think of this research?
It´s incredible, the human knowledge is arriving to the excellence. The scientifics are openings doors for the future.
4. Would you like to be able to see in the dark? Why or why not?
Yes, the human animal must evolve, there a lot of “helps” that can help us for a better life.
5. What is your opinion on technologies like this that give humans abilities that are beyond what’s normal?
What´s normal’, humanity changed the natural evolution of the people with all the possible resources, vaccine, prosthesis, mother cells, it´s the next step.

We appreciate all your efforts in your writing practice.

See how you can improve this sentence:

It´s incredible, the human knowledge is arriving to the excellence. The scientifics are openings doors for the future.

It´s incredible, how the human knowledge is so close to the excellence. Scientists are openings doors for the future.

Always take pleasure in your practice!

1. What did scientists inject into the mice’s eyes?
The scientists injected special nanoparticles into the eyes of the mice, these particles allowed the mice to see better.

2. How long did the effects of injections last?
The effects of the injection lasted about 10 weeks.

3. What do you think of this research?
It’s interesting research, it could be an improvement for some situations, but I think solid research is needed to ensure the safety of these nanoparticles and their effects on the body.

4. Would you like to be able to see in the dark? Why or why not?
Yes, especially when I drive or when I stay in the mountains after dark.

5. What is your opinion on technologies like this that give humans abilities that are beyond what’s normal?
I think that if we use them to improve our skills or to have more security, or to improve our quality of life, they are a great advance. Now, the danger of this technology is its possible use in the military field or to commit crimes.

Well done writing your responses.

Here are some minor edits you can do in this sentence to express it a bit better:

It’s interesting research, it could be an improvement for some situations, but I think solid research is needed to ensure the safety of these nanoparticles and their effects on the body.

It’s an interesting research. It could be helpful in some situations, but I think more solid researches are needed to ensure that these nanoparticles are safe and to find out their actual effects on the body.

Enjoy your writing practice!

1. What did scientists inject into the mice’s eyes?

They injected special nanoparticles that make them look better in the dark.

2. How long did the effects of injections last?

About 10 weeks.

4. Would you like to be able to see in the dark? Why or why not?

Yes, to be more secure when I am in the dark and too we willl not need light or to pay the lights.

5. What is your opinion on technologies like this that give humans abilities that are beyond the normal ones?

I think it is well because we are intelligent and if we can be better and have a better life is stupid to not do it.

You are doing a good job with your practice so far.

Here are better words you can use in the following sentences:

They injected special nanoparticles that make them look better in the dark.

They injected special nanoparticles that make them see better in the dark.

Yes, to be more secure when I am in the dark and too we willl not need light or to pay the lights.

Yes, to be safer when I am in the dark and also so we wouldn’t need lights or to pay higher electricity bills.

Keep going with your writing to improve further.

They injected special nanoparticles that make them look better in the dark and last about 10 weeks. I have never liked that they are experimented on animals or mistreated or anything, but hey, that’s the science, and in this case it has turned out well and they have not had side effects or anything that has hurt them.

I think that we are starting between the surgery and these investigations to play at being gods, trying to improve the human being, and it is not good, because one day it could turn against us.

I would like to see in the dark, sure, it would be great, we would not need light bulbs or anything like that since we would always see well, but I do not like to have something injected into my eyes, it has to hurt.

Well, as I said in the second paragraph, we are playing at being gods, and we should not, nature made us like that, for something serious, we always try to be better, to reach higher, but there are limits that should not be crossed, except that be it to help other people, that is, if instead of an injection that makes you see in the dark, you tell me that it is an injection so that a blind man can see again, I see it perfect, but try to improve our skills like this because if … it is tempting luck.

Very interesting insights. Thanks for sharing them with us.

See, the expression you can use in this sentence is ‘to play god’.

I think that we are starting between the surgery and these investigations to play at being gods
I think that we have started with surgeries and these researches to play god.

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