Dealing with Self-doubt

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Whenever you are preparing for something, most likely there is something that might prevent you from thinking that you’ll succeed in doing it. It is what we call the evil within or our self-doubt. We are often told not to be overwhelmed with negative thoughts and trust one’s self to overcome obstacles and succeed in whatever you are aiming for. However, most of us are struggling with how to fight the devil within ourselves.

Watch this video about five things you can do to eliminate self-doubt.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever felt self- doubt? Share your experience/experiences.
  2. In general, are you confident in yourself? Or are you plagued by doubts?
  3. What role does self-doubt play in your life? Does it affect your performance at school or work?
  4. What are the sources of your self-doubt?
  5. Do you have your own strategies to deal with self-doubt? How effective have they been?

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