Van Gogh’s Real Mental Illness

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Van Gogh is no doubt a legendary man and one of the most influential, if not the most influential artists of all time. He is perceived though by many as the ‘mad’ artist as accounts told of him showing an unusual personality and losing his sanity. But, what mental disorder did Van Gogh really go through? Schizophrenia, bipolarism, or even depression?

Let’s think big and discover in the video below for it may change our perspectives about the poor man.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is temporal lobe epilepsy? Do you know anyone who has or might have this condition?
  2. How are mental illnesses viewed in Spain?
  3. Which one artist do you admire the most?
  4. If Vincent Van Gogh were alive, how do you think his life would be different at the present time?
  5. What one question would you ask Van Gogh?

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