Preventing “Cyberloafing” in the Workplace

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Do you work hard in the office, or do you instead watch internet videos, browse through your social media feeds or shop online?

Read the article and find out how companies might put into effect policies to help stop this behavior in the workplace.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are ways to prevent cyberloafing? Any ideas you have on how to fend off cyberloafing in your own workplace?
  2. Do you cyberloaf? If yes, when and why do you normally do it? If not, why is that?
  3. What are other things that make employees lose time during work hours?
  4. How do you manage your time at work?
  5. Do you consider it acceptable to spend work time on social media sites, managing finances, etc.?
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2 replies on “Preventing “Cyberloafing” in the Workplace”

1. What are ways to prevent cyberloafing? Any ideas you have on how to fend off cyberloafing in your own workplace?
Corporate policies must be consistently enforced to be effective. One of the ways to avoid this is to control screen or keyboards, but in my opinion this is absolutely excessive and intrusive. In some companies in my town they control the number of keystrokes you make and if you don´t use the keyboard constantly, a website appears and they ask you why are you not working.

2. Do you cyberloaf? If yes, when and why do you normally do it? If not, why is that?
Normally I dont´t cyberloaf, I´m too busy to waste time, but I think if someone does their job on time they can do anything they want
3. What are other things that make employees lose time during work hours?
Not only cyberloaf is a problem, in other situations people drink coffee, go for a walk, talk to their partners. For example, a smoker loses around an hour a day on his routine.
4. How do you manage your time at work?
I try to prepare the day before what I´m going to do and in some weeks I can schedule my entire week. With this management I can improve tasks some days and lose time in other tasks.
5. Do you consider it acceptable to spend work time on social media sites, managing finances, etc.?
I consider a good idea for some people who needs to disconnect sometimes to be more effective workers, but the risk is when some people don´t know to stop.

You did a very good job writing your responses to the discussion questions.

Here is a sentence you can revise to improve it a bit:

I consider a good idea for some people who needs to disconnect sometimes to be more effective workers, but the risk is when some people don´t know to stop.

I consider it a good idea for some people who need to disconnect sometimes for a bit to be more effective workers, but the risk is when some people don´t know when to stop.

A little more practice and you’ll see the fruits of your hard work from doing this exercises.

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