Do Employers Look for Experience or Education?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Education is often described as an investment. Does having a high academic qualification still remain an important consideration in landing a job? Do companies hire employees based on their skills and experiences?

Let us read some of the factors to consider when it comes to the duel between education and experience.

Discussion Questions:

1.What is more important – skills without a degree or a degree without skills?

2. How does a college degree improve a graduate’s employment opportunities?

3.What are some jobs where college qualifications aren’t required?

4. Is a college degree necessary in the job you have? Why do you think you were hired by your company?

5. What are some of your job-seeking experiences?

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2 replies on “Do Employers Look for Experience or Education?”

1.What is more important – skills without a degree or a degree without skills?
In my opinión, both things are important but if I have to choose an option, I select the first option: skills without a degree. Why? Because in any job you need experience to do the work.
2. How does a college degree improve a graduate’s employment opportunities?
In the college you learn a lot of aspects and situations about your future job and this is a previous experience that you’ll need in the future. Moreover, a lot of companies need to employ people with college degree because is a requirement to get new projects.
3.What are some jobs where college qualifications aren’t required?
Specially in manual jobs. For examples bricklayers, bakers, cashiers…
4. Is a college degree necessary in the job you have? Why do you think you were hired by your company?
Yes it is necessary. Currently I work in an engineering company and when they employed me, one of the requirements had to be to have a college degree. But that wasn’t the unique reason for which they hired, they were looking for a person with experience in particular software.
5. What are some of your job-seeking experiences?
Fortunately I haven’t much experience to seeking jobs. I have had two jobs in my life and in both times, the companies called me.

Thank you so much for sharing your answers on this lesson’s discussion questions. We are looking forward to your next entries!

Here is how you can improve this sentence:

In the college you learn a lot of aspects and situations about your future job and this is a previous experience that you’ll need in the future.

In college, you learn a lot of aspects and situations about your future job and this is a valuable experience that you’ll need in the future.

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