How Eating Out Keeps You Poor

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A lot of people are struggling with money because of different reasons; they may have student loans, health insurance, cost of housing, and many more. These are the costs that are already fixed but there is a way to lessen our expenses by cost-cutting on our luxurious habits like eating out in restaurants or drinking in bars. Although these are our ways to unwind from our busy day from work, we can also wind up with less money.

Let’s watch the video below to learn how eating out keeps you poor.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you bring brown-bagged lunches at work or eat out?
  2. How often do you eat out? How much do you usually spend?
  3. What are the pros and cons of eating in a restaurant?
  4. According to the video, what are the strategies to lessen eating out?
  5. How do you lessen your expenses or save more money?
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