How Vulnerability Makes You a Better Leader

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Being a good leader doesn’t always mean appearing bold and strong. Sometimes, being a good leader means letting your team know the struggles and business strifes and not being afraid to ask them for a solution.

Watch this video and be inspired by this amazing woman who is not afraid to embrace her womanhood while vying to get funding for her company.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about your thoughts on Tracy Young’s story.
  2. What are the qualities of a good leader?
  3. Do you think leaders who aren’t afraid to show their vulnerability would gain the same level of respect from their colleagues than those who always appear to be perfect? Why or why not?
  4. Describe the leader that you admire and how has he/she influenced you?
  5. Do you think gender is still an issue in the world of business? Share an experience when you felt like there’s an inequality in your workplace.
  6. Do you think people trust men more than women when it comes to making decisions for the company? Why do you think that is the case?
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