Upskilling and the Future of Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

If you haven’t noticed, the world as we know it is changing ever so fast. No one is spared from keeping up with the times. No employee remains indispensable.

For one to stay competitive in their industry and relevant in the workplace, there is a  compelling need to be honing or discovering new skill sets. 

Read the article below about the importance of upskilling.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is upskilling important?
  2. Does your company offer training sessions on various subjects and do you normally sign up for them? What is the most significant skill have you acquired so far?
  3. Is this statement true in your industry or kind of job: “the skills required in the workforce are changing fast”? Explain.
  4. What are ways you get yourself ahead of the curve professionally?
  5. What other hard and soft skills do you wish to acquire and why?
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