Freeganism: A Solution to Food Waste?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We work, earn money, buy food, eat, and repeat the cycle. It is what most of us know. We get a job or run a business to put food on the table. Not many people are aware of, more so, care for freeganism.

Freegans do not believe in capitalism,and they strive to reduce the amount of food waste on the planet. Interestingly, freegans can eat food for free. Discover how and why they do it.

Watch the short clip about freeganism.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Which part of the video appeals to you?

2. Tell me about a time when you or anyone you know wasted food?

3. Do you agree that freeganism is the solution to food waste?

4. If given a chance, would you eat in freegans’ mobile kitchen? 

5. Most freegans don’t believe in the money economy. What are your thoughts on this?

6. Do you know any other unconventional lifestyles like freeganism? Describe such lifestyles.

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2 replies on “Freeganism: A Solution to Food Waste?”

1.- Really, there is not any part of the video which appealed to me very much. What it actually takes my attention is that the person leading the article is driving an old car while trying to convince us about the importance of the freeganism to save the climate change. Everyone knows that driving a private car produces more CO2 than waste food. It seemed to me quite a disgusting and I do not see myself doing dumpster diving.
Besides the figures given by the video appear very exaggerated to be true; it is very strange that a person can find so much quantity of food in just one night as the article says. I think that it is propaganda and try to manipulate the thoughts of the people.
2.- I do not know anyone around me who has ever wasted any food. Before going to the supermarket, I usually do a shopping list with all the ingredients and food I’m going to need along the week. If any leftover is left, I keep it in the freezer to be eaten in the next days.
3.- By no means is the freeganism the solution to the waste food. There are many other ways to reduce the waste food starting from the school teaching to schedule everything, not only how much food buy but also the responsible use of water, electricity and all the energies.
4.- No matter what chance I could have, I would never eat in a freegan’s mobile kitchen, even though I was paid for it. I do not believe in this lifestyle.
5.- I consider that this way of thinking is encouraged by anticapitalism people who use it just to enrich themselves at the expense of others. Many of them have more money than those they convince.
6.- Nowadays, more and more people are inventing different lifestyles just to get profit from their ideas but most of them do not even believe in what they say or do, because they say one thing but do another different one.

It is great that you continue enhancing your writing through this exercise. Just keep going with it.

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Really, there is not any part of the video which appealed to me very much. What it actually takes my attention is that the person leading the article is driving an old car while trying to convince us about the importance of the freeganism to save the climate change.

There really isn’t any part of the video which appealed to me very much. What it actually caught my attention is that the person leading the article is driving an old car while trying to convince us about the importance of the freeganism in stopping the climate change.

Until your next entry!

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