Eastern vs Western Ideas of Happiness

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Comparing the East to the West, the answer to the question of what makes people happy is radically different. Westerners might benefit from adopting the Eastern perspective.

Contrary to what the Western intellectual tradition indicates, the Eastern tradition has long taught us something entirely different. In order to be happy, what we need to do most of all is to go out and rule the world; obtain resources, create enterprises, run governments, earn reputation, and conquer nations. It has been argued that for us to be content, we must learn to master not the world but the lens through which we perceive this world—that is, our thoughts.

Watch the video about the Western and Eastern ideas of happiness.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about the Western concept of happiness?
  2. What are your thoughts on the Eastern view of happiness?
  3. What is happiness for you?
  4. What do you think are the ingredients of contentment?
  5. Do you agree or disagree that success and great wealth wouldn’t, in the end, “do the trick”? Share your thoughts.
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