Why Great Businesses Fail

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Experts believe that when a successful company fails to deal with disruption, it might collapse. On the other hand, what sets companies like Amazon and Walmart apart from those that fail, is their ability to decide quickly. They do not let the slow process of decision-making kill innovation.

Watch the entire video that explains why great businesses fail.

Discussion Questions:

  1. The video talks about the term ”ideation”. How do you define it in your own words?
  2. Think of a successful company in the past that failed and went bankrupt. What were the reasons for it going under?
  3. According to the speaker, some companies are good at the incubation period. Why do you think these companies fail when they decide to scale up?
  4. What lessons can companies in the world learn from Amazon?
  5. The video teaches companies about ideation and scaling up. How can these concepts be applied in your personal and professional life?
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