Woman Lives Every Day Like It’s 1958

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The idea of time travel is fun as it lets you see how people lived before. For some, it is scary because they have no idea what to expect. What if I tell you that today there is a woman who lives her life exactly like she is in the 1950s?

Watch the video and meet Laci Fay, the vintage girl next door.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Looking at Laci Fay, describe the vibe that she gives off.
  2. When people choose to live differently than others, what do you think are some challenges that they might face?
  3. Do you know anything about the 1950s? Discuss your ideas.
  4. How do you think the 1950s is different from today?
  5. If you could travel back in time, which era would you choose? And why?
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