
B1 – Intermediate

Inflation is one of the most important economic issues in the world. It can be defined as the price of goods and services rising over monthly or yearly. Inflation leads to a decline in the value of money, it means that we cannot buy something at a price that same as before. This situation will increase our cost of living.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about inflation.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is “inflation rate“? “Zimbabwe once had an inflation rate of trillions of percent.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does the phrase “to keep something under control” mean, “Many countries around the world are fighting to keep inflation under control.”? Use this in a sentence.
  3. What does “to lose the battle against something” mean, “Sometimes you read about countries that lose the battle against inflation.” Use this in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is inflation important to economists?
  2. Have you changed your spending or your habits because of the rising prices?
  3. Do you think your government should do more to help people manage in the middle of this problem with inflation? Share your opinion.
  4. What will happen to the world if prices keep rising?
  5. What will happen to your lifestyle if prices keep rising?
  6. What hurts you more, increase in fuel prices or food prices? Why?
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8 replies on “Inflation”

1.- Because for economists it´s important to maintain moderate inflations levels.
2.- Totally because in my country the inflation has risen like in the other places of the world.
3.- I think that the government should implement the necessary economic measures to try to keep inflation under control, so it helps people.
4.- The economy will end and the countries will be poorer.
5.- Every day I will be able to buy fewer things and I will not go on vacation anywhere.
6.- Both because I need my car to go to work.

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog! Hope this exercise helps you practice and improve your writing skills more.

Take a look at how this sentence can be written better:

Every day I will be able to buy fewer things and I will not go on vacation anywhere.

Day by day, I will be able to buy fewer and fewer things and I will not won’t be able to go on vacation anywhere I want anymore.

To more entries from you!

1. Because it’s a economic problem difficult to solve. It’s a measure wich indicates the increased prices of living cost between years.
2. Yes, I use store brand for food instead of famous brand, for example. Cocacola, because I save something with the change.
3. Yes, but with good economic measures, not only giving money because it increases inflation and produces a vicious circle. It’s difficult to
4. More poverty in the country and more people below the poverty line
5. I will change, actually I change my shopping cart nowadays and I buy less luxuries/hobbies (expensive chocolate, books), but if it continues, I will go out less to eat outside.
6. Food prices because it’s something more basic than oil, we are two in the family to be fed and the car is used only to go to the work 10 kilometers from home.

Great work starting with your writing practice again! Stay consistent in order to progress in a regular manner.

See how this sentence can be written properly:

Because it’s a economic problem difficult to solve.

Inflation is an important matter to economists because it’s an economic problem that is difficult to solve.

Continue with this exercise.

1.The inflation is important beacuse the price of everything is rising.
2. Not for the moment.
3. Of course the goverment must work in that, beacuse if they dont look for the price of everything the people couldn have a good life in the country.
4. More people will be poor.
5. Probably i have to go to work to another country o take a remote job for a emprise outside my country, to still have my life style, is all keep rising prices.
6. Food, beacuse i have remote job, so i dont need drive to the work, or the supermarket.

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog! Great job starting with your writing practice. Do not forget to write your answers as elaborately as you can.

Take note of some changes you can make in this sentence to improve it:

Probably i have to go to work to another country o take a remote job for a emprise outside my country, to still have my life style, is all keep rising prices.

I’d probably have to go to work to in another country or get a remote job from a company outside my country, to still have my lifestyle. The prices of everything just keeps rising.

Keep practicing expressing your thoughts through writing with the use of this platform!

1. Inflation is important to economists beacuse it makes the value of money go down.
2. I haven’t really changed my habits because of inflation.
3. Yes, I think that the government should help families with fewer resources, through financial aid or doing everything possible so that prices don’t rise.
4. I think if prices keep rising there will come a time when people can’t afford to buy anything, and the world economies will collapse.
5. If prices keep rising, I won’t be able to afford to buy things that I can right now, like food, clothes, or even paying my rent.
6. Both hurt me, because I use the car every day to go to work and to move around Madrid. and of course I have to eat every day too

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog! May this exercise help you practice and improve your writing.

Take a look at this response and see how you can write it a bit better:

Both hurt me, because I use the car every day to go to work and to move around Madrid. and of course I have to eat every day too

Both hurt me, because I use my car to go to work everyday and to move around Madrid. And of course, I have to eat everyday, too

With a bit of practice, you will surely improve more!

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