Filter Bubbles Isolate You

B2 – Upper Intermediate

One could assume that when you visit a website, you’re getting the same stuff as everyone else. However, algorithms practically everywhere you go online keep note of the links you frequently engage on. These algorithms will continue to display your stuff based on what they believe you will enjoy until they are only presenting you with the material you are likely to consume. This procedure may result in the formation of a filter bubble.

Watch the video on how filter bubbles isolate you.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “curate” mean? “When you first think about algorithms personalizing and curating your online experience, it can sound like a good thing.” Give 2 synonyms.
  2. What is the meaning of the word “coin” in this sentence: “This is a term coined by Eli Pariser.”? Give 1 synonym and use it in a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of “definitive”? “There is no definitive solution.”. Give 2 synonyms.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is awareness of filter bubbles so critical?
  2. What strategies could you use to pop your filter bubble?
  3. What is the significance of filter bubbles?
  4. How does the filter bubble impact your life?
  5. How can we deal with algorithms?
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