Sneaky Ways Fast Food Restaurants Get You To Spend More

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Fast food restaurants are a popular choice for a quick and affordable meal on-the-go. However, these establishments have become experts at getting customers to spend more money than they intended. From upselling and limited-time offers to product placement and loyalty programs, fast food restaurants employ a variety of sneaky tactics to increase the total cost of your order. In this age of convenience, it’s important to be aware of these tactics and make informed decisions when ordering at fast food restaurants.

Watch this video to learn more about how fast food restaurants get you to spend more. Be ready to able to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the word “playbook“? Use it in a sentence. Ex. The fast food menu playbook has been around since the ’80s which has been centered on simplicity, cheap, and bold and bright.
  2. What does the expression “grab one’s attention” mean? Make one sentence. Ex. Fast food restaurants grab your attention with bright reds or oranges along with big appetizing photos of their food.
  3. What does “the pressure is mounting” mean? Ex. When it’s time to order, the pressure is mounting. Use this expression in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some psychological tricks mentioned in the video that get customers to spend more?
  2. Have you ever fallen for one of these psychological tricks? Share your experience.
  3. Do you enjoy eating fast food? How often do you eat it? What type of fast food menus do you usually buy?
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