Your Family Tree Explained

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Let us explore the significance of terms like “great” and “grand” in describing your ancestors and their connections. Explore this fascinating topic and gain a deeper understanding of your familial bonds.

Here’s a video that unravels the mysteries of family tree relationships.

Vocabulary Questions:

Explain the meaning of the highlighted words below and make some sentences.

1. Your siblings’ children are your nieces and nephews, collectively – niblings, and you are their aunt or uncle.

2. When you get married, you get everyone’s favorite in-laws.

3. The cousin number is the same as the “G” rule: it tells you how many in-betweeners until the connection on the family tree.

Discussion Questions:

1. Is it important for you to learn about your family tree and ancestors? Why or why not? 

2. How far back can you trace your family tree? Do you know any ancestors beyond your grandparents?

3. How can understanding one’s family tree help in developing a sense of identity and belonging? 

4. What are some common methods for researching and documenting a family tree?

5. Do you enjoy connecting with relatives or distant cousins? If yes, how do you go about it?

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