Public Relations

B1 – Intermediate

Public relations or PR is all about building and maintaining the positive image of a company, organization, or client. It is an important part of many sectors such as business, politics, and even sports and the entertainment world.

In PR, loads of money is spent in order to be sure that the client always does and says the right things.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about public relations.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to get one’s name out there” mean? “People in PR have to work hard in getting the company’s name out there.” Use this idiom in your own sentence.
  2. Define “image” in this context, “They must always say the right thing and have the perfect image.” Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What does it mean when “something goes wrong”, “When something goes wrong, it’s called a public relations disaster.”? Use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is public relations important to companies? How about celebrities? How about politicians?
  2. Bad publicity is still publicity. What is your opinion on this?
  3. To make a company or celebrity famous and relevant, PR staff sometimes have to lie. What is your opinion on this?
  4. Talk about a public relations disaster you know of.
  5. Talk about your company’s PR.
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2 replies on “Public Relations”

Vocabulary Questions:

“1- to get one’s name out there” means to make a person or something (in this case a company) well known.

For example: If you want to become a famous streamer, you have to get your name out there.

2- “image” in that context means the perception that people have about something or someone

For example: I want muy boss to have a good image of me in order to be a candidate for promotion

3- “when something goes wrong” means when there is a problem or an error.

For example: If something goes wrong with your internet connection, you should contact your supplier

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog! Great work answering the vocabulary questions. You can also answer the discussion questions of your every lesson to help you practice your writing skills.

Anyway, take a look at how you can improve these sentences:

I want muy boss to have a good image of me in order to be a candidate for promotion

I want my boss to have a good impression of me in order to for him/her to consider me be a as one strong candidate for a promotion.

If something goes wrong with your internet connection, you should contact your supplier

If something goes wrong with your internet connection, you should contact your (internet service) provider.

Hence, ISP. – internet service provider

Some general reminders:

– Do not forget to punctuate your sentences with a period (.)

Keep doing this exercise.
To more entries from you!

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