Put your Phone on Airplane Mode

B2 – Upper Intermediate

If you are a frequent flyer, you have probably heard the cabin crew’s announcement to switch off your mobile phone or atleast put it on airplane mode for the duration of the flight. They expect the passengers to follow this rule without necessarily providing ample details for doing so.

Watch the video and be informed as to why our mobile phones should be on airplane mode when we are flying.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the word “interference” in this context? “At least your special eyes would be able to see this if the sky wasn’t flooded with interference from routers, satellites, and of course, people flying who haven’t put their phones on airplane mode.” Use it in your own sentence.
  2. Define the phrasal verb “drown out“. “Since planes travel so quickly, the phones might find themselves much closer to a cell tower than expected; blasting it with a massive signal that drowns out those on the ground.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  3. What does the phrasal verb “blot out” mean? “This leads consumers to pay for more bandwidth, pushing service providers to take over more of the radio spectrum, and eventually, send more satellites into the sky — creating a vicious cycle that could eventually blot out the stars.” Use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the benefits of putting your phone on airplane mode when you are on a plane?
  2. What are the dangers of not putting your phone on airplane mode?
  3. Do you think airline companies should stop offering wi-fi connection on a plane? Why or why not?
  4. Do you put your phone on airplane mode every time you fly? Are there other situations where you do the same?
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4 replies on “Put your Phone on Airplane Mode”

Discussion questions

1.What are the benefits of putting your phone on airplane mode when you are on a plane?
I think you are collaborating whit the safety, avoiding the radio waves needed for the planes communication.
Also it is good for you, you are saving your phone charge.

2.What are the dangers of not putting your phone on airplane mode?
Do you think airline companies should stop offering wi-fi connection on a plane? Why or why not?

If you don’t put your phone I’m flight mode during the flight, you could interrupt the radio communications, in case of emergency it could be dangerous.
About the WIFI question, you must to activate fligt mode before connecting, so i think that if the companies are supplying this service, it is something they can deal with.

3.Do you put your phone on airplane mode every time you fly? Are there other situations where you do the same?

Yes I do, for safety reasons everyone should do it.
And I also use the flight mode when I want to speed my charge phone.

Nice to see you trying your best to practice writing. Great job!

Look at how these sentences can be revised:

Yes I do, for safety reasons everyone should do it.
And I also use the flight mode when I want to speed my charge phone.

Yes, I do. For safety reasons, everyone should do it. And I also use the flight mode when I want to speed up the charging of my charge phone.

Keep practicing!

Discussion Questions:
1. What are the benefits of putting your phone on airplane mode when you are on a plane?
Try to avoid unnecessary radio waves emissions for the sake of all users that really needed.

2. What are the dangers of not putting your phone on airplane mode?
According to the video, and I really didn’t know that is not to protect your flight, instead to protect everyone else in your flight path.

3. Do you think airline companies should stop offering wi-fi connection on a plane? Why or why not?
I’m not sure, but I suppose that if the airlines companies offer you a wi-fi connection is better in order establish and steady connection and don’t interfere others users.
4. Do you put your phone on airplane mode every time you fly? Are there other situations where you do the same?
Yes, I always put my smartphone in airplane mode because is required by the airplane crew.
I put my cell phone also in airplane mode when I’m in another country in order to avoid not desirables expenses.

Great job sharing your ideas about this topic.

Take a look at another way to write this sentence with more specific word choices:

I put my cell phone also in airplane mode when I’m in another country in order to avoid not desirables expenses.

I also put my cellphone also on airplane mode when I’m in another country in order to avoid incurring roaming charges desirables expenses.

Keep going with your practice. You are showing improvement.

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