The Benefit of Single-Tasking

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Do you find yourself frequently multitasking? It might be worth reevaluating this habit. ‘The One Thing’ by Gary Keller discusses the advantages of concentrating on a single task at a time.

To learn more about the benefits of single-tasking, please read the article below.

Vocabulary Questions:

1. What does “to turn the tide” mean? “What helped me turn the tide and just start single-tasking?” Use this phrase in a sentence.

2. What does “to make all the difference” mean? “Basically, I chose to look at my time like money, and though I’ve only been doing it for a little while, it has made all the difference.” Use this expression in a sentence.

3. What does “to get one’s arms around something” mean? “As anyone familiar with budgets will tell you, before you can effectively budget, you need to get your arms around your spending habits.” Use this idiom in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you find multitasking useful? Why or why not?

2. How does the article view multitasking and do you agree with this perspective?

3. According to the article, practicing single-tasking can help rebuild your focus and attention span. What are your thoughts on this statement?

4. Among the benefits of single-tasking, which ones would you like to attain?

5. How valuable is it for you to achieve a state of flow?

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2 replies on “The Benefit of Single-Tasking”

1. I think multitasking can seem helpful sometimes, especially when there’s a lot to do. However, I’ve found that it often leads to a loss of focus and lower quality of work on each task. So, in general, I don’t find multitasking very useful because it can be more efficient to focus on one task at a time.

2. The article seems to view multitasking as a common practice but suggests that it may not be as effective as people think. It highlights the importance of single-tasking for improving focus and productivity. I agree with this perspective as I’ve experienced the drawbacks of multitasking firsthand.

3. I believe the statement is accurate based on personal experience and what I’ve read. Constantly switching between tasks can strain our attention span and make it harder to concentrate deeply on any one thing. Practicing single-tasking allows us to give our full attention to each task, leading to better results and a stronger ability to focus.

4. Among the benefits of single-tasking, I would like to attain improved productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment. Focusing on one task at a time can help me complete tasks more efficiently and with better quality, ultimately leading to a feeling of satisfaction and progress.

5. Achieving a state of flow is highly valuable to me. It’s when I feel completely absorbed in what I’m doing, losing track of time and distractions. In this state, I’m most productive and creative, and tasks feel more enjoyable and fulfilling. So, I consider it important to try for a state of flow in my work and activities.

Good to see you returning to your writing practice. Job well done writing your answers.

See how you can write this one better:

It’s when I feel completely absorbed in what I’m doing, losing track of time and distractions.

It’s when I feel completely absorbed in what I’m doing, making me lose track of time and avoid distractions.

Keep up the good job!

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