Work Love Bombing

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the dynamic world of employment, companies are embracing fresh methods to attract and keep top talent. This includes the coined concept of “workplace love bombing,” where organizations go all out to woo potential hires and shower current employees with affection and rewards.

Read the article to learn about workplace love bombing.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “a knot in one’s stomach” mean? “The experience sat like a knot in my stomach the whole time, and I couldn’t bring myself to accept the offer, worried I was being sold a position that wouldn’t materialize and didn’t quite fit my skill set.” Use this idiom in a sentence.
  2. Define “wind up”. “Too much pressure can set up workers to fail if they hold out for roles that never materialize or wind up in jobs where promises don’t match the reality.” Make a sentence with this phrase.
  3. What does “in the fold” mean? “When I had reservations about the role and questions about the corporate culture, she was dismissive, only returning to how much the managers wanted me in the fold as soon as possible.”

Discussion Questions:

  1. What’s your take on workplace love bombing?
  2. How should employees handle overwhelming or skeptical feelings when faced with a company’s love bombing?
  3. Have you ever felt a company was overly aggressive in trying to hire or keep you? How did that impact you?
  4. How can companies balance making their workplace appealing while keeping expectations realistic?
  5. Have recruitment tactics affected your job acceptance or rejection, and what factors were crucial in your decision?
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