A World Without Antibiotics

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Antibiotics are like superheroes in the world of medicine. They are tiny but mighty, and they play a crucial role in helping our bodies combat infections and illnesses. These remarkable substances, although small in size, wield immense power. They are the front-line defenders that our immune system relies on to conquer invading germs and restore our health.

Let’s read the article below to know more about it.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “run out” mean? “In some areas, especially Third World countries and densely populated areas in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh doctors have already run out of antibiotics.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “densely populated” mean? “In some areas, especially Third World countries and densely populated areas in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh doctors have already run out of antibiotics.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “call for action” mean? “Health experts call for increased action to fight off diseases.”  Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the potential consequences of a world without antibiotics? Explain.
  2. Can you think of any alternative solutions or treatments that might be used if antibiotics become less effective?
  3. How might the loss of effective antibiotics affect the treatment of infectious diseases in developing countries?
  4. How do you think healthcare professionals can effectively communicate the importance of responsible antibiotic use to patients?
  5. Are there any natural or alternative remedies that can be used to help treat common infections in place of antibiotics?
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