Should Parents Let Teens Drink Alcohol If It’s Under Their Roof

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The question of whether parents should allow their teenagers to consume alcohol in the condition that it is under their roof sparks a controversial debate as it involves striking a delicate balance between encouraging responsible behavior and accepting the inevitable curiosity of adolescence.

As long as it is believed that teenagers may experiment with alcohol in any case, there will be discussions about the benefits and drawbacks of parents introducing their children to alcohol at an early age.

Should parents condone alcohol consumption at home in order to explain the experience, or does such an approach mistakenly endorse a potentially harmful behavior?

Click on the provided link to learn more.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “under no illusion” mean in the sentence, “I’m under no illusion that they’re going to college and not drinking.” ? Use this in your own sentence.
  2. What does “find oneself in a bind” mean in the sentence, “It’s a sensitive subject, and parents of teens find themselves in a bind. ”? Use this in your own sentence.
  3. What does “draw a hard line” mean in the sentence, “Some parents may feel like their kids won’t be honest with them if they draw a hard line when it comes to underage drinking, but research shows that kids whose parents have a “permissive stance” on alcohol are more likely to drink and to experience negative consequences as a result of their drinking.” ? Use this in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share your perspective on this article.
  2. What are the potential benefits and risks of allowing teenagers to consume alcohol under parental supervision? Tell me more.
  3. What role does parental guidance play in shaping responsible drinking behavior among adolescents?
  4. In what ways can parents effectively educate and communicate with their teens about responsible alcohol consumption?
  5. Were you given the green light by your parents to drink alcohol either at home or when you’re out socializing in your teenage years? Please talk about it.
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