Guidelines for Employees’ Responsible Use of Generative AI

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As of writing, ChatGPT has gained around 180.5 million users in a short span of time since it was launched. It is just one among many generative artificial intelligence (GAI) apps. More employees are using ChatGPT, but majority do not let their managers know about it. There is still the question of how it can be maximized and used responsibly at work.

Read the article about how companies can tap generative AI’s benefits and the ways to use it in a safe, productive, and responsible way in the workplace.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the idiom ”There is a good chance (that)” mean?There’s a good chance that more people are using generative AI (GAI) than you think, and most of them are doing it without your knowledge or permission.” Use this expression in a sentence.
  2. What does the expression “without one’s knowledge” mean? “However, 68% admit they’re using it without their boss’s knowledge.” Give 2 similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘without one’s knowledge’.
  3. What is “user interface”? “You can’t blame people for being interested in the recent buzz around generative AI given the simplicity of new user interfaces for using AI to create high-quality text, images, and videos in a matter of seconds.” Use this term in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some ways to use generative AI productively, safely, and responsibly in the workplace?
  2. How do you think is GAI being used by employees in your company? How are you using GAI at work?
  3. Share your thoughts on this, “More than 40% of professionals have used ChatGPT or other generative AI in some capacity at work. However, 68% admit they’re using it without their boss’s knowledge. This suggests a level of uncertainty around how companies might perceive using such technology within the workplace.”.
  4. What other benefits could GAI provide for businesses/companies?
  5. Talk about other things you know about GAI.
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