Messiness More Efficient

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Mess equals stress. In homes and workplaces, messy areas are unwelcomed and seen negatively. Studies have shown that clutter has negative impacts on people’s mental and physical health. However, a business book is claiming otherwise.

Let’s read the article and find out how mess contributes to efficiency.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the word “slob“? “Every office has at least one slob.” Use it in your own sentence and give two synonyms.
  2. What does the phrase “organized mess” mean? “Take Karen Jackson, who admits that her desk looks like a disaster area. Yet it’s an organized mess, she says.” Use it in a scenario.
  3. What is the meaning of “filed away” in this context? Filed away papers, on the other hand, usually end up forgotten.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the connection between messiness and efficiency? Support your stand.
  2. What are your thoughts on “organized mess”?
  3. What is your take on messiness in the workplace? Is it an acceptable practice?
  4. How do you keep your workplace organized?
  5. How does messiness impact business expense profitability?
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2 replies on “Messiness More Efficient”

Discussion Questions:
1. Do you agree with the connection between messiness and efficiency? Support your stand.
 Not at all, and I think in the job environment is not an option to have a messy desk: for security reason (i.e.: confidential information could be leak, dirtyness can lead rats, animal, etc, could cause a fire, etc…) and also there are image reason for the company your area working for, if there are visits or you work in front of people and so on.
 From my point of view at your home, it’s up to you how you organize yourself, but at work you should follow the rule like everybody

2. What are your thoughts on “organized mess”?
 I think is a myth, I was very un-organized person when I was younger and I had always problems to find anything. I think I did so because is easy to be lazy, but is worse in the long term.

3. What is your take on messiness in the workplace? Is it an acceptable practice?
 As I said before, not at all, at less in my company, they don’t allow you this kind of “messy desk” for security reasons, and also because in the last years with the remote working system we share desks, so only the days you have to go physically to your job you own the desk, the rest of days the desk belong to other person, so tidiness at desk is require and is mandatory.

4. How do you keep your workplace organized?
 Yes, always, there weren’t other options. If you don’t do that, they would fine you. I have to say, that everybody always tidied up the desks they used.

5. How does messiness impact business expense profitability?
 A messy desk can lead to a leak of your company’s information that is a very reputational risk, maybe a breach into your computer systems and so forth… so it would affect your Company very seriously… Also dirtiness can attract animal cause diseases, fire, etc…

You’ve shared some interesting thoughts about this topic!

Note how this sentence can be improved:

Not at all, and I think in the job environment is not an option to have a messy desk: for security reason (i.e.: confidential information could be leak, dirtyness can lead rats, animal, etc, could cause a fire, etc…) and also there are image reason for the company your area working for, if there are visits or you work in front of people and so on.

I do not agree with this at all. I think in the job environment/in the workplace, it is not an option to have a messy desk. Being messy could lead to some security breach because information could be leaked. It could also lead to animal infestation. Lastly, it could also cause a fire., etc…) Moreover, there is company image. Your work area reflects your company too especially when there are visitors or you are working in front of other people and so on.

Tip: Use transition words to connect your sentences.

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