Why We Need Rites of Passage

B2 – Upper Intermediate

By the time we take our first steps and say our first words, we are leaving a mark of our time in this world. Each culture around the globe has identified certain events or achievements to commemorate life-changing moments, which we refer to as “rites of passage”.

To find out more about the rites of passage we commemorate, please watch the discussion below.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Explain “radar of consciousness”“This is something that often ends up on my radar of consciousness because I have many males in my audience.” Use this term to make your own sentence.
  2. What does “twiddling of thumbs” mean? “It’s not about the twiddling of thumbs. We are passing on to you the obligation of adulthood.” Create a sentence using this idiom.
  3. What is the meaning of “frown upon““This has become rather you know frowned upon in our kind of politically correct woke world.” Use this phrasal verb in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How important is it to commemorate the transitions in life? Explain.
  2. What are your thoughts on involving pain as part of the rite of passage?
  3. What are rites of passage do you know and celebrate?
  4. How does your community and family celebrate or honor the important milestones in your life?
  5. What kind of celebration of coming of age would you like to have? Which customs, themes, rituals, or activities would you like to incorporate in your culture? Why these rites?
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