B2 – Upper Intermediate
Online shopping offers unparalleled convenience, but hides significant environmental impact, from packaging waste to increased carbon emissions. While it may seem more environmentally-friendly than traditional in-store shopping, this perception isn’t always accurate.
Read this article to learn more about the environmental impact of online shopping.
Vocabulary Questions:
- What does “a way of life” mean? “We are living in a world where online shopping is becoming a way of life, resulting in a global supply chain that is unable to recover, and our planet is being negatively affected by this practice.” Give a similar expression and use “a way of life” in a sentence.
- Define “projected growth” in this sentence. “There is a projected growth of 36% in the number of delivery vehicles by 2030, resulting in approximately 7.2 million vehicles.” Make a sentence with this phrase.
- What does “e-commerce revolution” mean? “Although the e-commerce revolution has greatly benefited society, it is important not to ignore the impact it has on the environment.” Use this in a sentence.
Discussion Questions:
- According to the article, how does online shopping impact the environment?
- How often do you purchase online, and have you ever considered its environmental impact?
- In your opinion, what can individuals do to decrease the environmental effect of their online shopping habits?
- Do you think there are more pros or cons to purchasing online in terms of environmental impact? Explain.
- How do you think the projected growth in the number of delivery vehicles will affect your local area and commute times?