Get an electric shock to stop buying things

B1 – Intermediate

Are you in impulsive buyer? Where do you spend your monthly salary on? For those who can’t seem to stop themselves from spending too much, this might be the solution to your problem.

Get an electric shock to stop buying things


1. What do you think of the idea of the Pavlok?
2. How often do you spend too much money?
3. What other things do we need a shock to stop us doing something?
4. What do you know about the Internet of Things?

Women Wearing Cosmetics Are Paid More

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Do looks really matter? Apparently, they do. A recent study conducted by the University of Chicago and University of California reveals that attractive employees tend to get paid more.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is it right that attractive people get paid more? Defend your stand.
    Are you very particular when it comes to clothes or beauty products?
  2. How is beauty defined in your society?
  3. How important is looks in your job?
  4. Are your colleagues particular about how you look and what you wear?
  5. Is there a dress code in your office or can you wear whatever you wish?

Video: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

C1 – Advanced

What is body language and how does it affect our daily lives?

Watch the 20-minute TED Talks video about body language and be prepared to answer some discussion questions. The video provides subtitles and a transcript. Simply click on the icon below the video.

Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are


1. How would you define body language?
2. When you see a person for the first time, are there any outward signs they give which show their status, interests or personality?
3. How much notice do you take of other people’s body language?
4. How conscious are you of your own body language?
5. How much attention do you pay to how you sit or act if you are in a meeting?

Anger Over Racist Chinese Advertisement

B2 – Upper intermediate

TV advertisements have very big impact on people. The are able to persuade their audience to buy certain products. The catchier the ad, the more it will be remembered.

One specific Chinese advert made an impact on a lot of people. Specifically because it hit a nerve and was branded a racist.

Anger over racist Chinese advert


1. What did you think of the advertisement? Do you think it was funny at all?
2. Do you think that the advertsing agnecy failed to be sensitive or were they just being funny?
3. Do you agree that there is a bit of a racist in each one of us?

Try Something New for 30 Days

B2 – Upper intermediate

It’s never too late to try something new – no matter your age, gender or disposition in life. Humans are meant to explore and be better. Here’s a short, lighthearted video to motivate us to achieve new goals.


1. What do you think of the talk?
2. What are some of your short-term and long-term goals?
3. Have you ever tried something new? How long did it last?
4. What new things would you like to try for 30 days? Why?
5. What motivates you to be a better person in different areas of your life?

Have You Got Too Much Stuff?

B2 – Upper intermediate

Do you often find yourself in the middle of so many things that are not really necessary in your life? Do you think you could live a simpler and de-cluttered life?

Listen to the podcast about a world that revolves around material possessions.

Have you got too much stuff?


1. Kindly explain the three buckets system.
2. Do you believe we could all live better with less?
3. In your opinion, how much stuff is too much?
4. Do you buy labelled goods?
5. Talk about something that you fondly collect.
6. What thing do you own that has great sentimental value? Why?

Ten Anglicised Words Spanish Use


B2 – Upper intermediate

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) is very displeased by the series of English words being used in Spanish. This drove them to launch a campaign to fight against the so-called “English invasion”.

But what exactly are some anglicised words that you’d typical hear in daily conversations in Spain? Read the article below then express your thoughts.

Ten ‘English’ words adopted and adapted into Spanish


1. Are you familiar with these 10 words? Which words have you used?
2. Do you have a favourite Spanglish word?
3. Can you think of any more examples of anglicized slang?
4. What is your opinion about making English words part of the Spanish language? Should it really be stopped or not?
5. Have you seen the ads published by RAE? What do you make of them?

The Immortality Gene

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Death is unwelcome but inevitable. On the other hand, immortality sounds impossible. We have never heard of someone who lived forever no matter how man worked and toiled to curtail death.

Now, with this scientific discovery, will man ever surpass the age of 969, the longest life ever recorded in humanity?

Read the article below about the immortality gene.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about living forever?
  2. What things would you do if you could live forever?
  3. What kind of life would you want with an everlasting life?
  4. Can we really prevent aging? Explain.

Weapons Maker Now a Fashion Brand

B1 – Intermediate

Business people should always look for other ways to make money. A Russian company decided to take another path to continue earning rather than giving up and closing shop because of Western sanctions.

Read the article below then express your thoughts about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think of Kalashnikov branching out into fashion?
2. What do you think of gun companies?
3. Do you think Kalashnikov will be successful in their fashion business?
4. How would you explain the word “patriotism”? Would you consider yourself patriotic?

Over-The-Counter Medicine May Shrink Brain

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Medicines are supposed to make us feel better and cure any illness a person might have. But sometimes, these medicines may also cause more harm than good.

Read the article below to find out more. Share your opinion after reading the text.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think over-the-counter medicines work?
  2. Would you prefer medicines prescribed by a doctor?
  3. Would you consider yourself a healthy person?
  4. When was the last time you got sick and had to stay in bed?