Thai Island Closed Indefinitely


B2 – Upper intermediate

Time and again, we’ve seen or heard some incidents wherein heavy tourism takes a toll on a once unspoiled place. A famous small island in Thailand named Koh Tachai has recently been closed to end what could be irreversible consequences of high number of tourists to its ecosystem.

Find out more about this news by reading the article below.

Idyllic Thai island Koh Tachai closed indefinitely due to damage from tourism

Bangkok, ThailandCNN — 

Thai authorities have closed a popular island in the Andaman Sea to visitors, blaming high tourist numbers for damaging its ecosystem.

Known for its idyllic white beaches and excellent diving, Koh Tachai is the northernmost of the Similan Islands archipelago, a national park in southern Thailand.

Tunya Nethithammakul, director general of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, told CNN Tuesday that the island had been closed to visitors “indefinitely,” due to the severe deterioration of its ecosystem.

Asia’s most underrated attractions

The problems included litter and food waste, gasoline from tour boats leaching into the water and damage to coral, he said, adding that overwhelming numbers of tourists were to blame.

“This is such a small island, I would say it could accommodate just a few hundred tourists a day,” he said.

“But it turned out that at certain points there were almost 2,000 tourists visiting the island (daily).”

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Situated about 137 kilometers (85 miles) northwest of the tourist hub of Phuket, Koh Tachai has no hotels, and the majority of visitors stay only for the day, eating lunch on the island.

Some tourism operators have offered overnight trips where guests stay in tents.

The island is marketed by local tour operators as the “Maldives of Thailand.”

Nethithammakul said that many of the islands in Similan National Park would have been closed soon anyway due to the monsoon season, along with other national parks in coastal areas.

Long-tail boats of southern Thailand


1. What was the main reason for closing this island for tourism?
2. Is it a good idea to close it indefinitely?
3. What do you think are the good and bad things about tourism?
4. Have you been to a place similar to Koh Tachai – breathtaking but somehow being exploited by humans?

High Cost of Illegal Immigration

C1 – Advanced

Illegal, and sometimes legal, immigration has become a hot topic for quite a while. There seems to be no best solution to this issue.

Watch the video below then express your thoughts about it.


1. Is illegal immigration a problem in your country?
2. In your own understanding, how does illegal immigration affect a country?
3. Define “Illegal Alien”.
4. Illegal immigrants have high hopes to get that “Big American Dream”. By this sentence, do you think America is the best country to live in? Why or why not?

The London Underground

B1 – Intermediate

Here’s an interesting history about the train network in London. Read the article and study the highlighted words. Be ready to answer discussion questions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In your own words, retell the story behind the London Underground. How was it used during the Second World War?
  2. How reliable is the train network in your country?
  3. Does your train network have its own history? An architectural value? Talk about it.
  4. What monuments in your city or country have been restored over the years? How important are these monuments?
  5. What other historical places do you find interesting and intriguing?

Children and Guns in the US

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Gun ownership has always been vital in the American Society. Almost each household owns a gun and this is perfectly legal. Americans use it for protection. However, there are accidents resulting to gun ownership and it is quite alarming, especially if children are involved.

Read the article about the rise of shooting incidents that involve young children in the US and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. Is owning a gun ever necessary in every household? Share your opinion.
  3. How can gun owners ensure that children are out of harm’s way?
  4. Is there any prohibition in the Spanish law regarding gun ownership? Speak about it.
  5. Why do you think the United States is having an increasing issue with guns?

Dentist Visits an Elephant

B2 – Upper intermediate

Dental care is necessary. Good teeth doesn’t only make you look good, but also encourages appetite.

Read the article and watch the video to know about an elephant who needed a dental check-up.

Dentist visits an elephant


1. Do zoo animals in your country get ample treatment and care?
2. When was the last time you went to a zoo or an attraction with animals?
3. How do you feel about dentists? When was the last time you paid a visit to your dentist?
4. What are some dental procedures you’ve had?

Means of Transport

B1 – Intermediate

Transportation is always a part of our lives. There are different kinds of transports all over the world and they have developed and modernized over the years.

Learn the different types of transportation in this video and answer the quiz after watching.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the kinds of transportation that you take on a daily basis?
  2. Does your city have a good public transport system? Talk about it.
  3. What is your city doing to help reduce air pollution from cars in the street?
  4. Do you enjoy taking the plane? When was the last time you traveled using a plane?
  5. In your opinion, which is the best means of transport and why?

College Decision Brings Attention to ‘Gap Year’


B1 – Intermediate

The eldest daughter of US president Obama, Malia, is taking a year off before attending Harvard in fall next year. Nowadays, more and more high school graduates are delaying college.

The question is, is it always a good thing? Read the article below to know more about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is gap year?
2. What are the top activities done during this period?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing a gap year?
4. What is your personal opinion on this?
5. Did you take a gap year? / If you could go back in time, would you do it?

Food Theft ‘Not a Crime’

B2 – Upper Intermediate

An Italian court has ruled that stealing a small amount of food due to starvation is not a crime. A man’s sentence was overturned because his lawyer argued that he only committed the crime out of desperation.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with this Italian court ruling? Why or why not?
  2. What are the good things and consequences of the said ruling?
  3. What should be done with people who are caught stealing food?
  4. What do people in your country do when they are starving and don’t have any money to buy food?

Growing Organic Food ‘Sin Fronteras’

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Organic food and organic products have increased its popularity in the last years.

Click the title below and watch the video. Be ready to share your thoughts and talk about health.

Discussion Questions:

1. What has farming taught Eduardo Rivera?
2. Why is he very interested in organic farming? What is his goal?
3. How does he promote his products?
4. How are organic products fairing in your country?

Happiness Is… Family?!

B1 – Intermediate

Almost everyone belongs to a family. We can’t imagine to exist without someone else who cared for us when we were young.  We need a family.

What else is the meaning of family to you? The following article lets you know the response of other teens and young adults about how their families make them happy.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

What makes teens and twenty-somethings happy? According to a survey, spending time with family made people in this age group the most happy. Time with friends came in second place, and time with a boyfriend or girlfriend came in third place. Almost no one said money brought happiness.

Seventy-three percent said that a good relationship with their parents made them feel good. In addition, when they looked for a role model, almost half of the people who took the questionnaire mentioned one of their parents. Moms ranked higher than dads, though.

Some of the discoveries were less positive. White people generally felt happier than black people or Hispanics in all economic categories. And as for stress, kids had a 10% higher rate than adults. Younger respondents said school stressed them out the most. Older people were worried about jobs and finances.

The survey also wanted to know whether today’s youth will remain happy in the future. Sixty-two percent of teens believed the future will bring more happiness. However, they also expect to have a more difficult life than their parents.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the top three things that make you happy? Why are they the most important things to you?
  2. Who is your role model in life? Why do you look up to them?
  3. What are some things that worry or stress you out? Why are you stressed out by this?
  4. Do you think the future will bring more happiness for everyone? Why or why not?
  5. Do you agree or disagree that we could have a more difficult life than our parents? Elaborate on your stand.