The Life Cycle of a T-shirt

C1 – Advanced

T-shirts are one of the most popular pieces of garments. Have you ever wondered how your shirts are produced and where they end up when they’re deemed worn out?

Watch the video and learn how t-shirts are made and what its environmental effects are.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Explain the life cycle of an average t-shirt.
  2. What do you do with old items of clothing you don’t like wearing anymore?
  3. Do you like shopping for clothes?
  4. Having the knowledge on impacts of garment wastes on the environment, would this cause any changes in your clothes shopping behavior?

Psychic Predictions

C1 – Advanced

According to research, psychic power has no relation to education, IQ or selective memory but is rather related to lack of analytical skills. Although science claims there is no evidence that such a power exists, a reasonable number of people still believe in it. It is not surprising though since there were a few psychics in the past that gave accurate predictions.

Let’s watch the video and learn more about these predictions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the psychic predictions mentioned in the video?
  2. Do you believe in psychic power? Why or why not?
  3. Can this power be helpful or abusive to those who believe in it?

The Stanford Experiment

C1 – Advanced

In August 1971, Stanford University psychology professor Philip Zimbardo set up a simulated prison in the basement of the university’s building and hired ordinary people to play the roles of guards and prisoners. The experiment was supposed to last for 2 weeks. However, things got out of hand and they had to shut it down on the 6th day.

Watch the video to learn more about the Standford Experiment.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the Stanford experiment about? What is the “Lucifer effect”?
  2. What is your opinion about/reaction to this experiment?
  3. How did the experiment transform the participants playing as guards?
  4. In your opinion, was it ethical to conduct this experiment even with the written consent of the participants?
  5. Would you be interested to participate in a social experiment?

If Half of the Population Were Wiped Out

C1 – Advanced

Imagine if half of the population were randomly wiped out in just a snap. How would the society function after such a decimation? Could this end up being a good thing for humanity?

Discussion Questions:

1. What atrocious situations would happen the moment half of the population were wiped out?

2. What would happen after humans adjusted to it?

3. How do you see this from an ethical perspective?

4. If you were in this situation, how would you deal with this new world?

Huawei Ban in the US

C1 – Advanced

Huawei, the Chinese telecom giant, is getting blacklisted by the United States. The tech company was added to the Commerce Department’s Entities List ban that could pose a threat to national security.

Let’s watch the video:


Discussion Questions:

1. Why did the United States ban Huawei?

2. How will this affect Huawei? Do you think they will survive?

3. Do you think the new restrictions on Huawei are fair?

4. Do you believe banning products from China would be helpful to the United States?

5. How will this trade war between the United States and China affect other countries?

Why you should know your coworkers salary?

C1 – Advanced

It’s cringe-worthy to ask your colleagues how much they earn, and the same goes for telling them your salary. Hence, knowing how much they make causes curiosity among employees. According to a new study, salary and pay are now more openly discussed among coworkers in the U.S. and there is a good reason to do so.

Watch the video to know why salaries should be shared and why it actually makes business sense.


Discussion Questions:

1. How does salary transparency benefit a company?

2. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker?

3. Are you confident to share how much your salary is?

4. What do you think are the risks of discussing your salary with your colleagues?

Sharing Economy

C1 – Advanced

Sharing economy is basically an economic system in which assets and services are shared between private individuals either for free or for a fee. It has become a global economic phenomenon because of the expansion of platforms to other countries, and because the idea of sharing has caught on around the world. We are familiar with Uber, Airbnb or even other ways of sharing all sorts of things. The sharing economy has shown explosive growth, which, in turn, has led to regulatory and political battles as more and more people want to connect with one another.

Watch the video about sharing economy and what’s next for it.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of sharing economy?
  2. What does “hockey stick growth” mean?
  3. How do you feel about sharing? What do you regularly share with other people?
  4. What benefits do the sharing economy hold for communities/society?
  5. How is this market regulated for security?
  6. In normal business transactions, the government also extracts value by way of taxes, but with the sharing economy often the same taxes don’t apply; what do you think about this?

Paradox of Unanimity

C1 – Advanced

When majority of the people agree on something, it is easy to conclude that it may be true/reliable or it is the right thing to do. However, in ancient Jewish law, it was the opposite. If the defendant was found guilty unanimously then he would be acquitted. Why was that so? Lawmakers back then observed that when there is unanimous agreement, there is the presence of systemic flaws in their judicial process.

Watch the video to know about the paradox of unanimity and know whether we should trust unanimous decisions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the paradox of unanimity?
  2. Have you ever agreed on something  because most people around you have done so?
  3. What does the last phrase, “if it is too good to be true, it probably is” mean?


Worst Breakup in History

C1 – Advanced

Falling in love is the most beautiful experience one could ever have. However, at some point, some people fall out of love. It is one of the most painful emotions one has to endure. What happens when instead of parting ways, breakups ended with imprisonment and beheading? Intrigued?

Watch the video and see for yourself.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Whose breakups were mentioned in the video?
  2. What misfortunes befell the royal couple?
  3. How was the royal life back then differ from the royalties you know at present?
  4. Who was Anne Boleyn and how did she die?




Pyramid Scheme

C1 – Advanced

Most people want to amass wealth and the thought of earning quick substantial amount of money over a short period of time without putting in so much work is surely enticing. This is exactly what a pyramid scheme promises.

Let’s watch the video and find out the pitfalls of a pyramid scheme and also know how to keep an eye out for one.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is a pyramid scheme and how is it different from multi-level marketing?
  2. Is this business prevalent in your country? What is your opinion on this business structure?
  3. Have you been offered to join a pyramid or multi-level marketing company?
  4. What are the ways to spot a pyramid scheme?