Urban Millennials Go to Farmer School

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When you were young, have you ever thought of being a farmer? Do you want to work outdoors or indoors? This new school is trying to teach millennials who want to work on a farm.  In a society where technology is everywhere, farming has been often put behind thus creating a huge demand in the workforce for young people to work in the land.

Let’s watch and read the article below about this below:


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about farming?
  2.  Is farming a good and thriving industry in your country?
  3.  Do you think it is good to encourage young people to do manual jobs such as farming?
  4.  Do you need farmers and people who will work on the farm in your country?

Pakistani Farmers Get Tips via Text

B2 – Upper Intermediate

One problem farmers face is overwatering. It would help them a lot if they could get an advice regarding the proper amount of irrigation water to prevent them from overwatering their fields.

Farmers are now getting tips via text messages in Pakistan to make sure they get access to information for their irrigation needs in the quickest time possible.

Click on the article for more information on this way of disseminating information to farmers:


Discussion Questions:

1. How does this new program help the farmers?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the said program?

3. Should farmers rely on this technology?

4. What are other ways to help farmers better?




Farmers Spray E.U. Building With Milk Powder

B2 – Upper intermediate

When the government is helping the big corporations win, the smaller guys continue to struggle. Watch the video below about a protest that some farmers made against the European Union’s decision regarding milk production and selling.


1. Explain why the farmers decided to spray an EU building with milk powder.
2. How’s the agriculture business/industry in your country?
3. Do you think the European Union’s action to “stabilize the market” was a good one?
4. What are some agricultural products that you import from other countries?
5. What’s an ideal way to help local farmers survive in today’s world?

The Time for Urban Farmers


C1 – Advanced

Have you heard of Urban farming? In the US, it’s been a popular idea for quite some time.

Read the article below and discuss some of the issues that urban farmers are facing.


Discussion Questions:

1. How do you understand urban farming and what are its advantages?
2. Is urban farming something that is happening in your country?
3. Have you started growing your own vegetables? Have you tried it?