
B1 – Intermediate

Big businesses always want to find ways to cut their costs. One of them is to employ the goods and services from and of sweatshops. The labor cost is extremely cheap but the ugly truth is, the labor condition of people working there is horrible.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about sweatshops.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion of sweatshops?
  2. What are sweatshops for?
  3. Why are sweatshops a horrible place?
  4. Do you agree or disagree that big multinational companies have a big responsibility to make sure their goods do not come from sweatshops? Explain your opinion.
  5. Is it possible to end businesses such as sweatshops? Explain.

Sky Lantern Causes Fire

B1 – Intermediate

A sky lantern is basically a small hot hair balloon that is made out of paper. It’s simple, festive, and lovely, but it can also be dangerous. Some countries have banned the use of sky lanterns because they can be very dangerous.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript below about the catastrophic fire that happened in Brazil.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the purpose of sky lanterns? Which celebration/s are sky lanterns used?
  2. Why are they dangerous?
  3. What festivals in Spain use light, fire, and/or lanterns? Describe it/them.
  4. What are other ways to celebrate festivals/events safely?
  5. What do you like doing during the festival in your city?

Methane and the World’s Temperature

B1 – Intermediate

Methane is a natural gas commonly found and used in big oil and gas fields. Small quantities of it can also be found in Earth’s atmosphere. Methane is one of those gases that makes the planet warmer.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about methane gas and its contribution to the problem of increasing temperatures on Earth.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are other things you know about methane?
  2. What other things do you know make the problem with global warming worse?
  3. What are some solutions to this problem with methane gas?
  4. Do you think oil companies will do what they are supposed to do to solve this problem? Why or why?
  5. Are you worried about global warming at all? Why or why not?

Snow in Bolivia and Peru

B1 – Intermediate

Bolivia and Peru are South American countries and as we all know, the weather in these countries is usually always warm. Hearing that it is snowing in these countries is a bit unusual.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about snowing in warm countries like Bolivia and Peru.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this story?
  2. Why do you think it snowed in these countries?
  3. What weather changes have occurred in your country?
  4. Have you ever had any problems during winter or because of too much snow? Talk about it.

Sinkhole in China

B1 – Intermediate

It’s basic knowledge that you have to look in front when driving to prevent accidents. A motorcyclist eyes weren’t on the road and he didn’t notice a big sinkhole and fell into it.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about a sinkhole.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this story?
  2. Have you ever seen a sinkhole? What was your impression of it?
  3. Why do you think sinkholes appear?
  4. Do you sometimes get distracted when driving? What causes you to lose focus?
  5. What do you do to stay focused while on the road?

Non-Fungible Tokens

B1 – Intermediate

Non-fungible means there is only one of that thing. Non-fungible token is an item or a product that has no copy. When you buy an NFT, you get a certificate even though it only exists in the digital world. 

Listen to this audio and read the transcript on non-fungible tokens or NFTs.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of NFTs?
  2. Would you be interested to buy an NFT? Why or why not?
  3. What might be the reasons people buy NFTs?
  4. What are the good and bad things about NFTs?
  5. What is one thing you would like to be non-fungible and only you own it? Talk about it.

Alcohol-Free Bars

B1 – Intermediate

Drinking is probably one of the most social things we humans do. However, more and more people are becoming uninterested in drinking. Then alcohol-free spirits and bars increase their popularity.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript on alcohol-free bars.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What might be reasons people prefer alcohol-free spirits?
  2. Would you enjoy going to an alcohol-free bar? Why or why not?
  3. Talk about your favorite bar. What do you like most about this particular bar?
  4. What are the most common alcoholic drinks people drink in your country?
  5. Do you think people will drink alcohol less and less in the future? Why or why not?

Cosmetics Contain Toxic Chemicals

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Many people, especially women, like wearing makeup. It is their way of enhancing their overall appearance and consequently boost their confidence. Cosmetics are one those products that people so commonly consume but we never stop to think whether they are safe or not. 

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about cosmetics containing toxic chemicals.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are PFAs and what are their effects?
  2. Do you think it’s possible for cosmetic companies to go PFA-free eventually? Why or why not?
  3. As a consumer, what is your reaction that cosmetics out there contains toxic chemicals linked with serious health conditions? Do you think you’ve used/consumed products that contain PFAs?
  4. Do you always check food and medicinal products? Do you think they are properly labeled?
  5. What other information do you wish to see on food and drug labels?
  6. Do you think the cosmetic industry has betrayed its consumers? Why or why not?

Ethical Problems with Human-Monkey Chimeras

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Netflix’s new sci-fi series entitled “Sweet Tooth” is a story about a world where crossbreeding between humans and animals is possible. In real-life, it is a lot more complicated.

Although the development of the first ever human-monkey embryos proves to be a massive achievement in science, it might be cause for some ethical issues in the long run.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about chimeras and the ethical issues surrounding their development.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Does it make sense to make chimeras? Elaborate on your opinion.
  2. Do you think it was a good idea to destroy the produced human-monkey hybrid? Support your stand.
  3. Why is it important to continue researches on chimeras in the future? 
  4. How do you feel about chimeras? 

New Inventions

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We live in a fast-paced world where technology is speeding up exponentially. For example, communication has significantly improved in just a few years. People could still vividly remember the time when they had to wait for ages for a webpage to load. Now, the internet speed is so fast that it allows you to download a full-length movie in just a few seconds.

Aside from the internet, many other innovations changed history significantly. Innovation will not stop and people will continue to create things as long as there is a need for it. As the saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention.”

Click the link and listen to the audio to learn more about some new inventions.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of the inventions mentioned in the audio? Which one is the most interesting for you and why?
  2. Which among these inventions is the most useful? Which is the least useful?
  3. What need or problem do people have today that is yet to be addressed?
  4. What do you think is the most incredible invention that changed the world?