Speaking Activity: Eating Out

A2 – Elementary

This role-playing activity will be very good practice for your sentence construction.

Click on the link then look at the menu. Play the audio clip then answer some of the exercises. You will be having a role-play activity with your teacher using the menu.

Eating out

Have You Got Too Much Stuff?

B2 – Upper intermediate

Do you often find yourself in the middle of so many things that are not really necessary in your life? Do you think you could live a simpler and de-cluttered life?

Listen to the podcast about a world that revolves around material possessions.

Have you got too much stuff?


1. Kindly explain the three buckets system.
2. Do you believe we could all live better with less?
3. In your opinion, how much stuff is too much?
4. Do you buy labelled goods?
5. Talk about something that you fondly collect.
6. What thing do you own that has great sentimental value? Why?

College Decision Brings Attention to ‘Gap Year’


B1 – Intermediate

The eldest daughter of US president Obama, Malia, is taking a year off before attending Harvard in fall next year. Nowadays, more and more high school graduates are delaying college.

The question is, is it always a good thing? Read the article below to know more about it.


Discussion Questions:

1. What is gap year?
2. What are the top activities done during this period?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing a gap year?
4. What is your personal opinion on this?
5. Did you take a gap year? / If you could go back in time, would you do it?

Dinosaurs Already Decreasing Before Asteroid Hit


B2 – Upper intermediate

Has the existence of dinosaurs crossed your mind yet? What if we co-exist with them? Whatever your answer may be, there sure is some discussion on the existence of dinosaurs.

Let’s learn more about this through the research made by a Japanese paleontologist.

Dinosaurs Already Decreasing Before Asteroid Hit


1. What evidences prove the existence of dinosaurs in the past?
2. Why do you think the dinosaurs have lost their place on earth?
3. Explain the beliefs of scientists why the dinosaurs became extinct.
4. Have you ever been to a natural museum?

Is Social Media a Distraction?

B2 – Upper intermediate

There is no doubt that a lot of us have become dependent on social media to get updated with current events and the latest trends from every corner of the world. But is social media doing us more harm than good?

Listen to the podcast then be ready to answer discussion questions.


Discussion Questions:

1. How do you feel about the “rule of three” mentioned in the audio file?
2. Do you and your friends or family have a similar rule?
3. Do you think social media is doing us more harm than good?

Corporate Team Building

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Team building activities are a great way to foster and encourage teamwork. With activities designed specifically to address workplace issues, corporate team buildings can prove to be beneficial.

Listen to the podcast below and try to express your thoughts about corporate team building.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about corporate team building activities?
  2. What is your idea of an effective corporate team building?
  3. Talk about a memorable team building event you’ve ever had.
  4. How is group unity/teamwork encouraged in your company?
  5. Mary Kay Ash said, “People are definitely a company’s greatest asset.“. Share your thoughts on this.

Giving Away Your Fortune

B2 – Upper Intermediate

If you were a millionaire or a billionaire, would you be willing to give 99% of your fortune away to charity and leave almost nothing to your children?

Discover why Mark Zuckerberg along with many other super rich decided to give their fortune to charity.


Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think of what Mark Zuckerberg and others like him did with their wealth?
2. If you would give your fortune away, who/which organization/cause would you give it to?
3. Do you agree with what Andrew Carnegie believed in, that wealth should be spent to make the world a better place?
4. How are you making a difference in your own little way?

Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity


B2 – Upper intermediate

Kim Jong Un is no stranger to the world. Mostly, for all the wrong reasons. Read the short article below and express your thoughts about North Korea and its leaders.

UN: Kim Jong Un Could Be Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity


1. Why are human rights violation common in countries like North Korea?
2. Do you think that the UN council has the right to hold this kind of investigation? Why?
3. What are your thoughts on countries under communism?

Best Tool to Teach Babies Speech


B1 – Intermediate

Parenting is one of the most difficult but fulfilling jobs on the planet. Most parents now have very hectic work schedules, and it’s easy for them to resort to electronic gadgets to teach and keep their children busy.

Read the short article below to know more information about spending time with children.


Discussion Questions:

1. Discuss the pros and cons of electronic educational tools for children.
2. Is it good to learn several languages? When do you think is the best time to learn languages?
3. If you have children, what are your rules when it comes to using electronic tools?

One School, Five Languages


B2 – Upper intermediate

Jobs in the future will require people to be able to speak more than one language. Some schools in New York are providing dual language programs. What are your thoughts on being a polyglot?

One School, Five Languages


1. How many languages can you speak fluently?
2. Do you think that one day there will be just one language in the world? Would the world be a better place?
3. Are there any disadvantages in learning another language?
4. What are the advantages of being able to speak more than one language?