Strike in South Korea

B1 – Intermediate

The fight for better wages continues. In South Korea, workers are fighting for a wage system that pays based on performance and not on tenure.

Read the article then listen to the audio clip. Express your thoughts about the topic.

For additional information on this story, read also:

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “seniority” mean, “More than 40,000 South Korean workers in different industries went on strike as the government said that their pay should be based on their job performance rather than on their position or seniority.”? Use this word in your sentence.
  2. What does “demand” mean in this sentence, “The workers demand a stop to adopting the legal wage system based on performance which the government is pushing and they say will hurt the people.”? Use it in your sentence.
  3. What does “dispute” mean, “Workers hope that the protest will achieve their aim and allow the disputes to be resolved soon.” Use it in your sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘strike’?
  2. Do you think salaries should be based on performance or seniority? 
  3. Are there a lot of labor strikes and unions your country?
  4. What are the changes necessary in your current labor system/policies?
  5. In your country, is the minimum wage enough to live by?

Do Fitness Trackers Help You Lose Weight?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Are you looking for something that would finally drive you to get back into shape? Ever considered using Fitness Trackers? These are wearable devices that are designed to help you achieve that goal of losing some weight. The question is, are they really effective?

Discussion Questions:

1. What is your take on fitness trackers? Do you find them useful?
2. What kind of exercise/s do you do? How did you get into this workout?
3. What are effective ways to develop a habit of exercising?

Body in a Freezer

B1 – Intermediate

People will do anything not to be caught by the police. Crime nowadays are becoming more and more aggressive.

Read the article below then play the audio clip to practice your listening skills. Be ready to answer some discussion questions.

Body in a Freezer


1. Have you heard of a similar news happening in Europe?
2. In your country, are there people who try to sell passports and documents illegally?
3. Is drug trafficking a problem in your country/city?
4. How would you describe the police force of your country?

Speaking Activity: Talking Business

B1 – Intermediate

This speaking activity will give you phrases and dialogues you can use when on the telephone, during meetings, while having a presentation and making negotiations.

For every topic, there are recorded audios and scripts.  Remember the phrases that are useful for conversations.

Talking Business 

Speaking Activity: Eating Out

A2 – Elementary

This role-playing activity will be very good practice for your sentence construction.

Click on the link then look at the menu. Play the audio clip then answer some of the exercises. You will be having a role-play activity with your teacher using the menu.

Eating out

Have You Got Too Much Stuff?

B2 – Upper intermediate

Do you often find yourself in the middle of so many things that are not really necessary in your life? Do you think you could live a simpler and de-cluttered life?

Listen to the podcast about a world that revolves around material possessions.

Have you got too much stuff?


1. Kindly explain the three buckets system.
2. Do you believe we could all live better with less?
3. In your opinion, how much stuff is too much?
4. Do you buy labelled goods?
5. Talk about something that you fondly collect.
6. What thing do you own that has great sentimental value? Why?

College Decision Brings Attention to ‘Gap Year’


B1 – Intermediate

The eldest daughter of US president Obama, Malia, is taking a year off before attending Harvard in fall next year. Nowadays, more and more high school graduates are delaying college.

The question is, is it always a good thing? Read the article below to know more about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is gap year?
2. What are the top activities done during this period?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing a gap year?
4. What is your personal opinion on this?
5. Did you take a gap year? / If you could go back in time, would you do it?

Dinosaurs Already Decreasing Before Asteroid Hit


B2 – Upper intermediate

Has the existence of dinosaurs crossed your mind yet? What if we co-exist with them? Whatever your answer may be, there sure is some discussion on the existence of dinosaurs.

Let’s learn more about this through the research made by a Japanese paleontologist.

Dinosaurs Already Decreasing Before Asteroid Hit


1. What evidences prove the existence of dinosaurs in the past?
2. Why do you think the dinosaurs have lost their place on earth?
3. Explain the beliefs of scientists why the dinosaurs became extinct.
4. Have you ever been to a natural museum?

Is Social Media a Distraction?

B2 – Upper intermediate

There is no doubt that a lot of us have become dependent on social media to get updated with current events and the latest trends from every corner of the world. But is social media doing us more harm than good?

Listen to the podcast then be ready to answer discussion questions.

Discussion Questions:

1. How do you feel about the “rule of three” mentioned in the audio file?
2. Do you and your friends or family have a similar rule?
3. Do you think social media is doing us more harm than good?

Corporate Team Building

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Team building activities are a great way to foster and encourage teamwork. With activities designed specifically to address workplace issues, corporate team buildings can prove to be beneficial.

Listen to the podcast below and try to express your thoughts about corporate team building.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about corporate team building activities?
  2. What is your idea of an effective corporate team building?
  3. Talk about a memorable team building event you’ve ever had.
  4. How is group unity/teamwork encouraged in your company?
  5. Mary Kay Ash said, “People are definitely a company’s greatest asset.“. Share your thoughts on this.