Revisiting the Gun Debate in America


B2 – Upper intermediate

There is a strange correlation between the United States and school shootings. Debates on gun control have emerged since but people are still awaiting conclusions.

Read the article and watch the video, then share your thoughts about the topic.

Revisiting the Gun Debate in America


1. What is your reaction to the whole issue of gun control in the US?
2. Does your country have very good laws when it comes to owning and purchasing firearms?
3. In the US, what do you think is the root cause for their increased gun violence?

What Makes Beauty So Appealing?


B2 – Upper intermediate

According to entertainment magazine People, Sandra Bullock is the most beautiful person in the world. Whether you agree or not, the magazine surely stirred up people’s interest. Our take on beauty is very individual and is shaped by our environment and experiences.

What Makes Beauty So Appealing?


1. Our View on Beauty: Personal or Genetic? What does the new study suggest?
2. What do you find beautiful in a face?
3. What does “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” mean?
4. How many different adjectives can you think of to describe a beautiful woman or a handsome man?

Ecotourism a Danger to Wildlife

C1 – Advanced

Listen to the news clip about ecotourism then be ready to answer some discussion questions.

Choose the speed that you prefer to practice your listening and comprehension. You may also listen and read along using the transcript below the audio clip.

Ecotourism a Danger to Wildlife


1. What is ‘ecotourism’? What do you think of it?
2. What are its benefits? How about the possible dangers?
3. How can we best help animals in the wild?
4. What parts of the world should be off limits to humans?

CEO Hikes Life-Saving Drug 4000%


B2 – Upper intermediate

Martin Shkreli just made hundreds of people hate him by making an outrageous decision of raising the price of his company’s products.

Read the article below to know more about the effects of his detested choice.

‘Hated’ CEO Hikes Life-Saving Drug 4000%


1. Is it fair that companies have the right to hike the price of their product as much as they desire?
2. How do you think consumers should be protected from any price hike of commodities?
3. Are pharmaceutical products in Spain affordable?

Columbus Day: Some Love It, Others Not


B2 – Upper intermediate

Columbus Day is known as the most disputed holiday in the US. For the Native Americans, Columbus was very devastating to them, as he enslaved the natives and caused depression in the place. Columbus’ critics say that he did not land in America on that day and he did not discover America because it has long been inhabited by the natives.

Read the article below and be ready to have a discussion.

Columbus Day: Some Love It, Others Not So Much


1. Is Christopher Columbus celebrated as an important person in Spanish history?
2. What is your opinion about the Americans dispute about “Columbus Day”?
3. Is there any controversial or disputed holiday in Spain?

Animals That Are Also Verbs


B2 – Upper intermediate

Pay attention while listening and reading along with this very interesting article. You will find that some verbs are coined from animal names.

Take note of how some nouns can be used as verbs.

Weasel, Duck, Dog: Animals That Are Also Verbs


1. In your own words, explain what it means to weasel your way out of something.
2. Have you ever been hounded by someone to do something?
3. What does it mean to fish for compliments?
4. Aside from the ones used in the article, what other animals can be used as verbs?

Poverty In a Rich World

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We are living in a wealthier world. The number of people living in extreme poverty has halved in recent decades. More people own cars and mobile phones. But why do we still see poverty?

Listen to the podcast then be ready to answer some discussion questions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How big is the problem of poverty in your country?
  2. Would you say that there is a big gap between the rich and the poor where you are from?
  3. Are you able to see your taxes at work? Why or why not?
  4. What are ways for government to solve poverty?

Are Models Too Skinny?

B2 – Upper intermediate

Should skinny – or very thin – models be stopped from working on the catwalk? We’ve accepted the norm of fashion models to have very slim and slender figures.

Listen to this podcast on how thin is too thin for catwalk models then express your thoughts.

Are models too skinny?


1. Summarize the discussion about skinny models.
2. Do you think that agencies should be responsible for their models?
3. Do very skinny models really give out a negative impression on children and young adults?
4. How would the fashion industry change if female models were not as skinny?

Low Levels of Vitamin D Might Hurt Your Brain

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As we know, vitamins are essential to our health and vitamin D helps protect the body from diseases like diabetes and cancer. A study says it might also prevent brain diseases called dementia.

Read the article below and be ready to talk about health.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you have a strict diet? Why or why not?
2. The article mentions dementia. What do you know about dementia?
3. How do you think poor memory affects one’s life?
4. Do you think taking supplements is a good idea, or should you get your vitamins from just food? Explain.

Is a Game Just a Game?


B2 – Upper intermediate

When is a computer game just for fun and when does it become dangerous?  Listen to Rob and Finn discussing whether adult computer games could affect our children’s health.

This podcast contains vocabulary expressions that your teacher might ask about so be ready for a discussion.

Is a Game Just a Game?


1. Do you think that computer games can be unhealthy or do you think there are good things that you can get out of it?
2. What are some computer games that you’ve played?
3. If you’re a parent, what rules do you have for your child/children when it comes to computer games?
4. Do you think the government or certain government bodies should be involved in regulating computer games?