Is Cycling Good for Cities?

B1 – Intermediate

In cities like Amsterdam, cycling is a way of life. Is it really good for cities to encourage the use of bicycles around the city/neighborhood?

Watch the video below and be ready to have a discussion.


1. Are there any bicycle lanes in the UK? Why is it important to have bicycle lanes?
2. In your city, are bicycle lanes made to encourage the use of bicycles?
3. How would you describe roads and motorways in your country?
4. Do you think that using bicycles will help lessen the traffic in big cities? Why?

BBC LingoHack Video: Feb 22

B1 – Intermediate

Watch the video below to increase your vocabulary and practice your listening skills. Feel free to watch the video more than once. You may also take down notes of important details.

Learn words from the news: visually impaired, engineered, heading out


1. What does it mean when someone is visually impaired? Use it in a sentence.
2. How is one company in India helping people who are blind? Why are the blind the best in this kind of job?
3. What is the definition of the word “engineered”? Use it in a sentence.
4. In the last story, where is the team going? Where will they live during their expedition?

The Lion Whisperer

B1 – Intermediate

There has always been a fascination with wild animals like lions and tigers. Some people’s job is to learn about their behaviors. Due to the risks associated, only a few dare to go near, more so, to live with these wild beasts.

Watch the video below and take a look at how one man is able to live amongst wild African cats.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about humans interacting with wild animals?
  2. Are you fond of animals? Why or why not? Do you/Would you like to have any pets?
  3. What are some animals found in your country that are considered wild and endangered?
  4. How would you feel being around lions?
  5. What are your thoughts on this, “The lions are his equal.“?

Vocabulary: Killing time


B1 – Intermediate

This activity is meant to practice your listening skills and increase your vocabulary. Listen to the podcast to understand the idiom “Killing Time” and how to use it.

Killing time


1. What does it mean when you kill time? How would you use it in a sentence?
2. When you have appointments, do you like being early then just kill time? Or do you prefer being on time?
3. What are things you like to do when killing time?

Vocabulary: Eat humble pie


B1 – Intermediate

This activity is meant to practice your listening skills and increase your vocabulary. Listen to the podcast to understand the idiom “Eat Humble Pie” and how to use it.

Eat humble pie


1. What does it mean when you eat humble pie? How would you use it in a sentence?
2. In the podcast, why did Rob have to eat humble pie?
3. What is the history of the phrase “eat humble pie”?
4. Describe a time you were wrong and had to eat humble pie.

Home Security

B1 – Intermediate

Being safe in your own home is something very important.

Listen to the short audio clip and read the transcript to learn more about some home security measures. Be ready to have a discussion afterwards.

Home Security – Script

Discussion Questions:

1. What are three things you do to protect your apartment or home from burglary?
2. Do you need advanced systems like motion detectors to protect your dwelling, or is a watch dog enough?
3. What are other good ways to protect yourself and your home from burglary?

Speaking Activity: Talk about…

B1 – Intermediate

Express your thoughts on the following questions. You will be given time to prepare.

  1. Talk about an enjoyable or memorable experience that you had when you were alone. Explain what made this event so memorable.
  2. Talk about a person in your life who has inspired you. Describe the person and explain why you found him/her inspirational.
  3. Talk about an important national holiday in your home country. Describe it and explain why it is important.
  4. Talk about an experience in your life that made you feel embarrassed. Describe it and say why it was embarrassing.
  5. Talk about an interesting tourist attraction you have been to. Describe it and say why it was interesting.
  6. Talk about a time when you experienced success. Describe the experience and say why it was a success for you.
  7. Talk about a difficulty you have overcome in your life. Describe the experience and say why it was difficult to overcome.
  8. Talk about a positive experience with learning or using English. Describe the experience and say why it was a positive one.
  9. Talk about something you and your family enjoy doing together. Describe it and explain why you all enjoy it.
  10. Talk about an event from the past that you would like to relive. Describe the original event and say why you would like to relive it.


The Pros and Cons of Advertising

B1 – Intermediate

Advertising is very important. It is a good way for consumers to know a product very well. Advertising also influences people’s mood and emotions. It makes people buy things they don’t need and makes them feel depressed for not being able to buy items that are in fashion.

Read the article below to know more about the good and bad in advertising.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is it necessary to advertise?
2. Is there truth in advertising?
3. What kind of advertisements attract your attention?
4. Do you find advertising persuasive? Why do you buy one product over another?
5. Should alcohol or tobacco companies be allowed to advertise? Why or why not?
6. What is the most advertised product in your country?
7. What are the harmful and the beneficial effects of advertising?

Childhood Obesity

B1 – Intermediate

The number of children suffering from obesity is increasing. It is considered a major health concern, especially in developed countries. But what causes childhood obesity?

Read the article below to know more. Be ready to express your thoughts.

Discussion Questions:

1. How do you know if your child is overweight or obese?
2. Would you say that some children in your country are suffering from obesity or becoming overweight?
3. What causes a child to become overweight or obese?
4. How can you prevent your child from becoming overweight or obese?
5. What should the government do in order to prevent children from having serious weight issues?

Festivals: Chinese New Year

B1 – Intermediate

In most Asian countries, New Year’s is celebrated twice – in January and in February.

Read the article below to know more about the Chinese New Year and some cultural traditions that the Chinese practice. Be ready to also talk about this holiday and the important festivals from your country.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Describe how the Chinese celebrate their New Year.
  2. How do you celebrate NY in your country?
  3. Have you ever seen or witnessed a dragon dance or a Lantern Festival? What do you think of it?
  4. What are some Spanish festivals that are very specific to a region?
  5. In your country, what are the dishes or food that are especially served during New Year? Why are they typical NY food?