Speaking Activity: Wishes


B1 – Intermediate

It’s normal for people to have wishes and specific preferences in life. What are some of yours? Answer the questions below and be ready to have a discussion about wishes with your teacher.


1. Have you ever wished for additional hours to the day?
2. Have you ever thought about changing your appearance?
3. Would you like to move to a new house? What is your ideal living space?
4. Would you like to study again?
5. Would you like to have another job? What is your ideal job?
6. How can you enjoy your life more?
7. How can you maintain your health? What can you do to improve your health?
8. Would you like to have more friends? Would you consider yourself sociable?

Scientists Grow More Crops

B1 – Intermediate

Lack of food supply in the future is a constant fear and would possibly become real if we don’t do anything about it now. Find out what a group of scientists did to create the super crops of the future.


Discussion Questions:

1. How did scientists make the crops bigger?
2. What do you think of genetically modifying plants and crops?
3. What are the dangers of genetically modified food?
4. What are the benefits of genetically modified food?
5. Why are so many people in the world without food?

Euthanasia -Pros and Cons of Mercy Killing

B1 – Intermediate

Euthanasia has always been a controversial topic. It also has other names. It is sometimes called assisted suicide and mercy killing.

Click the link below to know more about euthanasia and its pros and cons.

Euthanasia -Pros and Cons of Mercy Killing


1. Are you in favor of euthanasia?
2. Could euthanasia be used as a means of health care cost containment?
3. Is Euthanasia allowed in your country?

Paid Time to Read

B1 – Intermediate

The United Arab Emirates have come up with a way to encourage people to read more. Government employees will be compensated when they read during work hours and libraries will be set-up in their workplaces.

Read below to know more about it.


Discussion Questions:

1. How much do you like reading?
2. How long should people read each day?
3. How important are libraries?
4. What do you think of having libraries in shopping malls?
5. What does your country do to encourage reading and literacy?
6. What do you think of having a law that gets people to read?

Have Bonus, Will Botox

B1 – Intermediate

The desire to look young as we become older is nothing new. Cosmetic brands have been releasing anti-aging creams for women and for men.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Bankers in London are spending their bonuses in an unusual way. They are choosing cosmetic surgery to look younger because the job market is very competitive. The bankers are choosing nose jobs, wrinkle fillers, liposuction, and botox injections to slow the effects of age.

Operations increased to more than 22,000 last year, and both men and women are getting cosmetic surgery. In fact, men make up eleven percent of this total, and the percentage has increased every year.

Mel Braham, chairman of the Harley Medical Group, said that more men realize they need to look good. He explained that older men worry about their jobs, especially if they are 50 years old but look like they are 60. That person doesn’t want a younger person to take his job. Braham also added that men should start these treatments early to look younger and healthier for a longer period of time.

Most men are asking to change the shape of their nose or get rid of their love handles. But there may soon be a remedy for baldness too. This would expand the business of cosmetic surgery for men even more.

At the moment, prices range from £200 for botox injections to £6000 for a facelift.

Source: headsupenglish.com

Discussion Questions:

1. What are your feelings about cosmetic surgery?
2. What are your feelings about a job that would force you to consider cosmetic surgery?
3. Would you ever choose to have cosmetic surgery (or have you)? Why/not?
4. Do you know anyone who has ever had cosmetic surgery? What was your opinion?
5. Why do you think more people are so concerned with cosmetic surgery in general?

Japan’s Population is Declining

B1 – Intermediate

It’s official. Japan’s populations is dramatically shrinking. After years of warnings about Japan’s aging population and its low birth rate, the day is here. Japan’s official census shows that the country’s population has shrunk.

Read more about this by clicking the link below.

Japan’s Population is Declining


1. How is the birth rate in your country? Is it also declining?
2. How does immigration affect a country’s birth rate?
3. If the trend continues, what do you think will happen to Japan?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having many children?

Teen Drivers Most at Risk of Crashing

B1 – Intermediate

Based on a recent study, novice and younger drivers have a higher likelihood to be in a car crash.

Read more on this Breaking News article about the result of this study. Be ready to have a speaking exercise using some of the words featured in the article.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of teen drivers?
  2. How can one become a really good driver?
  3. What is traffic safety like in your country?
  4. When do you think is the best age for people to start driving? Why?
  5. Kindly share your experiences being a first-time driver.

A Pakistani Chef Shows Her Chops in New York

B1 – Intermediate

New York city a place filled with people from different parts of the world. Fatima Ali is one of them. Watch the video below to discover her story and what she would like to do in the future.

Write down any words that you would like to discuss during the lesson.


1. What is the story of Fatima Ali?
2. What is Fatima’s job and what is the name of the restaurant she works for?
3. What does Fatima want to do when she goes back to Pakistan?
4. Do you enjoy cooking? What do you like to cook?

Technology Helps Deaf Students at Gallaudet University

B1 – Intermediate

There have been many studies of how technology can be bad for us. But the video below will show how technology can help some people in society be more confident in facing the world and its daily challenges.

Watch the video and be ready to discuss it.


1. Explain how technology is being used in Galludet university.
2. How is technology helping the deaf and the hard-of-hearing students in Galludet university?
3. Are there organizations or colleges in your country that accommodate students with disabilities?
4. What are other ways technology can do to help people with disabilities?

Strike in South Korea

B1 – Intermediate

The fight for better wages continues. In South Korea, workers are fighting for a wage system that pays based on performance and not on tenure.

Read the article then listen to the audio clip. Express your thoughts about the topic.


For additional information on this story, read also:


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “seniority” mean, “More than 40,000 South Korean workers in different industries went on strike as the government said that their pay should be based on their job performance rather than on their position or seniority.”? Use this word in your sentence.
  2. What does “demand” mean in this sentence, “The workers demand a stop to adopting the legal wage system based on performance which the government is pushing and they say will hurt the people.”? Use it in your sentence.
  3. What does “dispute” mean, “Workers hope that the protest will achieve their aim and allow the disputes to be resolved soon.” Use it in your sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘strike’?
  2. Do you think salaries should be based on performance or seniority? 
  3. Are there a lot of labor strikes and unions your country?
  4. What are the changes necessary in your current labor system/policies?
  5. In your country, is the minimum wage enough to live by?