Russia Interested in Undersea Cables


C1 – Advanced

Is it any surprise that Russia is involved in something so covert and “underground”? Read the article below then express your thoughts about the topic at hand.

Why Is Russia Interested in Undersea Internet Cables?


1. What could be Russia’s motive to lurk around undersea cables?
2. What do you think will happen if those internet cables will crash?
3. Are you worried about Internet theft by China or Russia?

Why you Should Travel Solo


C1 – Advanced

What was the worst experience you’ve had traveling with somebody? George Washington once said, “It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company”.

If you haven’t tried traveling alone, read this BBC article that would surely leave you contemplating on going solo on your next vacation.

Why you Should Travel Solo


1. What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of traveling without a companion?
2. Have you ever been on a vacation trip alone? How was it like?
3. Which do you prefer: traveling by yourself or with familiar company?

Ecotourism a Danger to Wildlife

C1 – Advanced

Listen to the news clip about ecotourism then be ready to answer some discussion questions.

Choose the speed that you prefer to practice your listening and comprehension. You may also listen and read along using the transcript below the audio clip.

Ecotourism a Danger to Wildlife


1. What is ‘ecotourism’? What do you think of it?
2. What are its benefits? How about the possible dangers?
3. How can we best help animals in the wild?
4. What parts of the world should be off limits to humans?

Russians Shocked as Banned Western Food Destroyed

C1 – Advanced

In 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a certain presidential decree that has brought forth shock and outrage among the populace.

Find out why Russia’s head of state issued this ban and how the citizens reacted. Watch the videos included in the resource to get extra information.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What does the presidential decree state?
  2. Why do you think Russia came up with this ban?
  3. What do you think of the said sanction?
  4. What are the long term consequences of a sanction like the one mentioned in the article?

Why Do Women Live Longer than Men?


C1 – Advanced

Have you ever wondered why women live longer than men?
Studies show that women’s survival is consistent and truly remarkable as observed in human beings and animals. Lifestyle may be a factor but there are more causes or contributors.

Why Do Women Live Longer than Men?


1. What are the contributing factors mentioned in the article? What surprised you the most?
2. What is Spain’s life expectancy?
3. Would you like to live a long life? Why or why not?
4. Should scientist slow down the aging process?

What Schools Should Do About Bullying


C1 – Advanced

Used to be that bullying ended when one was off school premises. However, with the ubiquitous nature of social media and mobile technology, more and more students are subject to bullying even within the confines of their homes.

Read about one country’s educational system’s efforts to address the problem that is bullying.

What you should expect your school to do about bullying


1. In your opinion, which is worst: bullying in person, or bullying online? Why do you think so?
2. Do schools and universities in your country have a clear policy in regard to dealing with bullying among students?
3. Do schools or universities in your country educate or inform children about bullying?

The Japanese Women who Married the Enemy


C1 – Advanced

After WWII, Japan was devastated yet thousands of their women married American soldiers and moved to the US to have a new life.

Read the article and watch the videos to find out how the Japanese women survived the American lifestyle.

The Japanese women who married the enemy


1. What was your reaction after reading the text and watching the videos?
2. What were the challenges and how did the women in the story overcome them?
3. Would you marry someone who is considered an enemy by many?
4. What do you know about WWII and what damage did it bring to your country?

Video: The Art of Aging

C1 – Advanced

Everybody wants to live a full and long life. Watch the video below to get to know people who have discovered the art of aging.

The art of aging


1. What are the secrets of the people in California when it comes to living longer?
2. Do you like the idea of getting old up to hundred?
3. What are the physical signs of getting old?
4. What have you learned from the people who were interviewed from this short video clip?

A Tattoo Done on Holiday

C1 – Advanced

The BBC recently interviewed a young man who spent a holiday with friends. Rather than post photos on social media to commemorate the event, he decided to get a tattoo done on one of his legs.  What was it a tattoo of? It’s not what you’d expect.

Read about Banjo, then share your opinion regarding the questions below.

‘I got a tattoo done of 17 mates’ names on holiday’


1. What do you think about tattoos?
2. What can you say about Banjo’s choice of tattoo?
3. Should the decision to get a tattoo be taken lightly, or should it be given serious thought?

Best Food Markets in Madrid


C1 – Advanced

Food markets have been a buzz for some years now and Madrid’s Mercado San Miguel is one of them.

Read the article and watch the video then be ready to talk about the beauty of food markets.

Best Food Markets in Madrid, Spain – Fresh Fish, Meat, Veggies and Cafes

Let’s Discuss!

1. According to the video, what are some of the “services” that the Mercado San Miguel offer as a food market?
2. What are some of the food markets that you’ve been to? Where do you usually shop for food?
3. Share some of your favourite traditional food or dishes.