Video: How Elephants Affect Weather

C1 – Advanced

Rainforests are very important in keeping our planet healthy. We all benefit from them; they sustain life.  Did you know that the abundance of plant species are available because of the mega-gardeners of the forest, the elephants ?

Read the short introduction then watch the video to know how elephants play a big role in propagating plant species.

Jumbo-gardeners: How elephants affect weather


1. According to the video, how do elephants become jumbo-gardeners?
2. What was your reaction while watching the short video?
3. Have you ever volunteered to help clean and save the environment (beach clean-up, tree planting etc.)?
4. Are there NGOs in your country who are actively promoting to save the rainforests or endangered species?

Strange Habits in Different Countries

C1 – Advanced

They say that “travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” If this is true, then you can say this guy is quite rich. Read on as he tells us some peculiar habits that he has learned from his experiences visiting and living in different places in the world.

The 23 strangest habits you’ll pick up after living in 23 different countries


1. Talk about three strangest habits you’ve acquired or observed from visiting or living in a different country?
2. How do you adapt to differences in customs and traditions?
3. Which habit mentioned in this blog would you like to pick up?

Paternity Leave Around The World

C1 – Advanced

Paternity leave is the time a father takes a leave off work at the birth or adoption of a child. This kind of leave is rarely paid. Some companies offer new dads paid time off ranging from a few days to a few weeks.

Read the article and watch the video clip to know how other countries are allowing their new parents to spend time with their children.

How parental leave rights differ around the world


1. After reading the article, do you think that your country should make changes when it comes to parental leaves?
2. Do you know anyone who decided to have a maternity (or paternity) leave for a year to focus on rearing the child?
3. How long do you think is the ideal time off for a paternity leave?

Video: Does Playful Equal Productive?

C1 – Advanced

Rat race. Dog-eat-dog. Just two idioms that have been used to describe today’s corporate world. One design company, however, has decided to follow a growing trend among high-performing companies, that of fostering creativity through a less stressful office environment.

But can work and play truly co-exist? The employees at Pearfisher seem to think so. Watch the video, then come back to weigh in with your thoughts.

This office has a giant ball pit for its employees


1. What do the terms “rat race” and “dog-eat-dog” mean? Do these describe your workplace?
2. What big-name companies mentioned in the video have taken a different tack by designing creative spaces for their employees?
3. Based on the video, explain the “power of play.”
4. Would you prefer working in a “non-goal-orientated environment”?
5. What are the benefits that can be derived from working in a low-pressure environment? What are the drawbacks?
6. Are creative spaces suitable for all kinds of companies?

Eating Habits for Better Thinking


C1 – Advanced

Have you fed your brain yet? There are some eating habits that can help you boost your brainpower.  Optimize your thinking ability by making a slight diet or lifestyle change.

Click the title below to know more about the four kinds of food that are good for the brain.

4 eating habits that could boost your critical thinking


1. Do you agree with what the article is saying?
2. Aside from those mentioned, do you know of other brain food that we can eat for better critical thinking?
3. How do you stay focused at work?

How to Live a Positive Life


C1 – Advanced

In our modern world, it can sometimes be impossible to stay positive. There are a lot of things that can cause us stress, either personally or professionally.

Read the article below and know more about steps we can take to help us look at the bright side.

10 Rules to Live By for Those Who Want to Live a Positive Life


1. How important is it to be positive?
2. Do you agree with the steps mentioned in the article? Would you add more to it?
3. What are some of the activities you do or habits you have to keep yourself from being pessimistic?

Annoying Types of Airline Passengers


C1 – Advanced

We’ve all had some bad experiences during a flight. But have we ever thought that maybe we’ve caused some form of inconvenience as well?

Click the title below to view Expedia’s survey on irritating passengers and their habits.

The most annoying type of airline passenger is …


1. How often do you travel by air? Do you love it or hate it?
2. Would you agree with the results the survey revealed?
3. Which ones have you experienced in the past?

Video: Body Language and Success

Job Interview – C1 – Advanced

Little do we know that the way we move our body gives out much impression. In one of the videos presented from TED talks the speaker explains power dynamics of non-verbal expressions.

Your Body Language Determines Your Success

Click the title for the transcript:  Your body language shapes who you are


1. Do you think the speaker’s notion of the body language makes sense?
2. Are you aware of the body language power to mold a notable person in you?


20 English Words to Not Say When Travelling


C1 – Advanced

If you are a frequent traveler or you are involved in the e-commerce industry and have an international clientele, better know these English words to avoid unintended double entendre.

Avoid These 20 English Words When in Other Countries


1. Aside from the ones mentioned in the article, do you know of other English terms that should be avoided when travelling?
2. When you travel to a foreign country do you use English or do you use the language of the country?
3. Are there some Spanish words that foreign people often misuse?

How to Stay Focused at Work When You’re the Boss

C1 – Advanced

Whether you are a simple employee, a manager or a company owner, you  need to stay focused on your job to be continuously productive. However, there’s almost always something that may distract you and could affect your performance at work.

In the link below, CEO’s of different companies share how they stay focused on their job.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say on this statement: “The CEO’s job is not for the faint-hearted.” ?
  2. What’s your impression on CEOs and bosses in general?
  3. What does it take to be a great boss/CEO?
  4. How do you stay focused at what you do? How do you deal with distractions at work?
  5. For you, what would be the best working conditions to achieve optimum results?