Best Street Food

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Let’s try to imagine someone wanted to visit your country one day and asks if you could recommend the best street foods you have. Foods that perhaps best represent your country’s people and culture.

Watch the video below to find out the best street food from different countries.


Discussion Questions:

1. Where would you recommend them to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
2. What Spanish street foods would suggest them to eat?
3. What do you wish they learn and appreciate about your country?
4. Have you traveled before and tried popular but for you, somehow unfamiliar food? If, so please share your experience.

Geopolitical Analysis of Europe

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As countries become more and more interconnected, disputes are looming among nations. The same can be said for Europe following new elections, treaties, and events that will reorganize the region.

Watch the video and find out what to seek out for this year in Europe.


Discussion Questions:

1. Based on this video, talk about some things that we need to keep an eye out for in 2019 in Europe. Do you know of any others that were not mentioned in this video?
2. Which among these issues concerns you the most?
3. What are things that we need to look out for in Spain this year?

Rich and Poor Countries

C1 – Advanced

There are almost 200 countries all over the world. Some are prosperous, while others, poverty-stricken. Based on GDP per capita, some of the richest countries are Qatar, Luxembourg, Singapore, Brunei. Ireland, Switzerland, and Norway. On the other side of the coin – the poorest countries – include  Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Haiti, and North Korea.

Many factors contribute as to why countries are either rich or poor.

Watch the video and find out what these factors are and what makes some countries continuously prosper and what keeps others from progressing.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are the three factors that determine whether the country will be rich or poor? Explain each of them in your own words. Describe your own country in terms of these factors.

2. Explain what clan-based thinking is. What is your opinion about it?

3. Generally, what are your thoughts on wealth gap?

4. Talk about the richest and poorest countries you’ve ever visited. How are they like?

5. How does your country accumulate wealth?

Christmas Celebrations in Different Countries

B2 – Upper intermediate

Christmas is fast approaching. This occasion is widely celebrated almost in every country around the world. Do you wonder why and what is this season all about? For Christians, it’s about the birth of Jesus Christ the son of God and some say it’s for gift giving. Most of the time, it means Santa Claus is coming to town to deliver presents. A few would say they just go along with the global celebration.

Watch the video below and see how Christmas is celebrated across the globe.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you celebrate Christmas in your country?
  2. How much do you like to celebrate Christmas?
  3. Are there unique Christmas traditions you can share?
  4. What is the meaning of this season to you?
  5. Talk about the best Christmas holiday you’ve ever had.

Why Socrates Hated Democracy

C1 – Advanced

Not a single type of government fits all. Let us get to know about the failures and loopholes of democracy according to Socrates.

Discussion Questions:

1. In your opinion, is the video opinion-based or factual?

2. What are your thoughts about voting being vested to educated people only?

3. What are your opinions on democracy?

How Would You Escape North Korea?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

North Korea has an unsavory and sinister reputation. There is a blatant disregard for human rights, very limited freedom of movement, and brutal consequences for minor offenses or even trivial things. It is no wonder that many of its citizens have attempted to escape in order to get a better life.

This video showcases seven ways to escape this country. Success is not guaranteed, though.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you know about North Korea?
  2. Talk about the different possible ways of escaping from North Korea.
  3. If you were a North Korean, would you try to leave? How would you do it?

When Did Americans Lose Their British Accents?

B2 – Upper intermediate

It’s interesting how we can have one language and have more than one way of pronouncing the same words. Whether you’re American, British, Irish or Chinese, the way we speak English will have differences.

Read the article below to learn how American accent and British accent came to be.

Discussion Questions:

1. According to the article, how did the American accent become different from the British accent?
2. What are the differences between the American accent and the British accent?
3. Which accent do you find easier to understand?
4. What other accents do you know of?
5. Does your country also have different accents depending on the region?

Record Percentage of Americans Have Never Married

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There’s a surprising census data among Americans who have never married. Nowadays, women are more likely to pursue a better career and look for men with stable jobs. On the other hand, men who have never married said finding a woman who would be a good mother is more important.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript on changes in the American family over the years.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the marrying age in Spain? Do you think this is the best age to be settling down? Why or why not?
  2. According to the research, almost half of Americans ages 24-35 has never been married. Compare this to the situation in your country.
  3. What is more important to you in finding a partner, one with a stable career or someone who would be a good husband/wife?
  4. What do you think of the new ways of dating or meeting a potential partner?
  5. What are your thoughts on apps such as The League?