How Would You Escape North Korea?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

North Korea has an unsavory and sinister reputation. There is a blatant disregard for human rights, very limited freedom of movement, and brutal consequences for minor offenses or even trivial things. It is no wonder that many of its citizens have attempted to escape in order to get a better life.

This video showcases seven ways to escape this country. Success is not guaranteed, though.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you know about North Korea?
  2. Talk about the different possible ways of escaping from North Korea.
  3. If you were a North Korean, would you try to leave? How would you do it?

Japan’s Independent Kids

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Parents all over the world have different values and ways of rearing their children. And most parents want their child to grow into happy, confident, and independent adults. For the Japanese however, some might say that their parenting skills are a step away from the traditional.

Take a look at this video to have some ideas about what parents and children are like in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about the video in your own words.
  2. What are the differences between Japanese and Spanish parenting styles?
  3. Talk about the pros and cons of each.

Why Louboutin Shoes Are So Expensive

B2 – Upper intermediate

Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton are some very famous designer brands. For the average shopper, just an item or two from any of these high-end products can cost an entire month’s salary or even more.

What makes a designer piece different from the rest? And what makes it so desirable that some people are willing to pay ridiculous sums in order to attain one?

Try to learn more from this video, which takes a look at the world of Christian Louboutin, an iconic shoe designer.

Discussion Questions:

1. Explain the video in your own words.

2. Do you think designer pieces are worth their hefty price tags? Why or why not?

3. Talk about your own shopping habits. Where do you shop and what do you like to buy?

4. What are the cheapest and most expensive things you have?

Boarding School at An Early Age is Child Abuse

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A boarding school provides education for pupils who live on the premises. Traditionally, pupils stayed at the school for the length of the term; some schools facilitate returning home every weekend and some welcome day pupils.  The United Kingdom has  a rich history of such schools.

Increasing numbers of children are being educated at boarding schools in the UK.  According to George Monbiot, who still struggles with the emotional impact of being sent away at the age of eight, we must protect children from the damage they can cause. He says if working-class parents did this, there would be an outcry. So why are upper-class parents getting away with what has become a form of acceptable cruelty?

Watch the video and be able to express your position on this topic.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about the video? Do you agree with George Monbiot’s argument?
  2. What do you think about boarding schools? Do you know anyone who was boarded or boarding schooled?
  3. Cite some of the pros and cons of sending a very young child to boarding schools.

Flying Taxi

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The idea of a flying taxi that will keep us from getting late is definitely a dream come true especially for commuters who always get stuck in really bad traffic congestion on a daily basis.

Here’s a video about a self-piloting flying taxi in New Zealand.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think flying taxi is the solution to the traffic problem? Explain.
  2. What are the pros and cons of using flying taxis?
  3. Talk about some traffic problems and the traffic system in your city/country.

The Imposter Syndrome

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Have you ever landed a job that you felt you didn’t deserve? How about a score on a term paper that you think you got out of luck despite all the hard work you put in?

Watch the video and find out why we sometimes doubt what we accomplished.



Discussion Questions:

1. What is the imposter syndrome?

2. How does it hinder one from reaching his full potential?

3. How can one overcome these feelings of inadequacy?

4. Have you ever doubted your capabilities?


Personality Types

B2 – Upper intermediate

In the world of business and even in our day to day interactions, we will meet with and talk to people with different personalities. Understanding other people’s personality traits can completely transform your communication skills with others in any setting.

Learn about the four personality traits in the video below.

Discussion Questions:

1. Explain the four personality types and how to deal with them in a business transaction.

2. What personality do you think you have?

3. What personality type/s do most of your clients have?

4. How can we de-escalate or resolve personality clashes with a friend, family, and co-worker?

Living on the Most Crowded Island on Earth

B2 – Upper intermediate

Santa Cruz del Islote is a tiny island off the coast of Colombia. It is home to 1,200 people and is considered the most densely populated island on the planet.

Check out the video to learn more about this unusual place.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Would you like to live on an island like this? Why or why not?
  2. What are the pros and cons of living in a densely populated and isolated area?
  3. Have you ever thought of island living? Is it something that you would like to do?

Here’s Who You Call When an Earthquake Strikes

B2 – Upper intermediate

Disasters can strike without warning. And loss of life and property can be devastating. In Mexico, a group of brave volunteers formed a rescue team in order to save lives trapped beneath collapsed structures.

Meet the “Topos” or “Moles”. Learn about them in this short but inspiring video.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who are the moles? Why were they formed? What do they do?
  2. Talk about disaster rescue teams in your area/country.
  3. Have you ever been in a disaster? Talk about your experience.

Nature Makes You Happy

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A new study from BBC Earth and the University of California has revealed that watching nature documentaries can make you happier. In today’s age of digital and high technology, using it could bring back our connections with nature. New research suggests that it could improve our health, happiness, and well-being.

Watch the video and find out how our relationship with nature may be deeply linked to our happiness.

Discussion Questions:

  1. According to the video, how does nature affect people? How does it affect you?
  2. How often to do you watch nature documentaries and why?
  3. How does watching nature footage affect viewers?
  4. What do you think is the importance of connecting with nature?