B2 – Upper Intermediate
Retired people have plenty of time on their hands. They have different ways of spending this abundance of time. An ideal way to spend it is to get out and see the world.
However, not all retirees have the financial means to explore this option. Spanish pensioners are lucky to have a government-sponsored scheme that lets them travel without breaking the bank.
Read the article and know more about Spain’s IMSERSO subsidised holidays scheme.
Vocabulary Questions:
- Define the word “subsidized“. “Millions of older adults – both Spanish and foreigners living in Spain – are eligible for heavily subsidised trips, costing as little as €115 for short breaks and €455 for longer holidays.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘subsidized’ in your own sentence.
- What does “out of reach“ mean in this sentence? “Older people living in Spain are able to plan trips previously out of reach.“ Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘out of reach’ in your own sentence.
- What is the meaning of the phrase “up for grabs“? “For the 2023/4 season, a total of 886,269 places are up for grabs – that’s 70,000 more than last year.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘up for grabs’ in your own sentence.
Discussion Questions:
- What are your thoughts on subsidised holidays scheme for pensioners?
- Share your opinion on this, “The Imserso tourism programme contributes to active ageing and the promotion of an active lifestyles, while favouring intergenerational solidarity, generating employment and economic activity and favouring inter-territorial solidarity through travel between different regions.”
- How does improving pensioner’s health and quality of life benefit social care budgets?
- What other benefits do old people in your country have?
- How would you like to spend your retirement years?