What is Slow Living?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The modern life constantly presses us to do, perform, or buy more. However, our jobs, quality of work, health, financial security, and communities may suffer. If a hectic life is causing stress, is there anything you can do to manage it?

Slow living may help combat this near-constant state of overload. Please read the article to know more about it.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How is slow living defined in the article?
  2. What are your thoughts on this lifestyle?
  3. What are some preconceived notions about slow living?
  4. What are the benefits of following a slow life according to the article?
  5. Name some disadvantages to this way of life.
  6. Share your experience completing tasks at a leisurely pace. Was it easy or hard for you to do so? Why do you think that is?

WikiLeaks Founder’s Extradition Case

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Wikileaks published, among others, documents and materials that exposed misconduct by the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan. Several rights groups have been throwing their support to WikiLeaks’s founder Julian Assange and have been asking for his release. However, the United States stands firm on its decision to continue asking for the former’s extradition in order for him to face the charges against him.

Let’s watch the short video to know the updates on the extradition request for Julian Assange.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is Julian Assange and what crimes is he facing in the US?
  2. What is your take on this extradition of Julian Assange?
  3. Should matters of national security trample on government transparency?
  4. Should there be a limit to freedom of the press?

Ethical Fading

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We have all have different ways to rationalize our behaviour. We tend to believe that the ethically-questionable decisions we make are fair and justified, which in fact is quite the opposite. Ethical fading is when we engage in unethical behaviour without perceiving it as such.

Watch the video to learn more about ethical fading and be able to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What’s your take on ethical fading and moral disengagement?
  2. Cite some examples in which these situations happen.
  3. Why do some people engage in ethical fading?
  4. What are some ways to prevent it?

How to Avoid Being Starstruck

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most people have idols. These are people they look up to and admire greatly. Most of them are popular people such as movie stars, athletes, musicians and even social media personalities. How do you think fans would react when they encounter their idols face to face?

Let’s read the article and learn some tips on how to avoid being starstruck.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What does to be “starstruck” mean?
  2. Do you agree with the tips mentioned in the article?
  3. Is there anyone you’ve been really star-struck about meeting?
  4. Are people from your country very fond of celebrities?
  5. Who are the biggest celebrities in your country and why do you think they are very popular and well-liked?

Rhetoric: How Persuasive Are You?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Giving persuasive speeches is a skill. One has to be able to deliver their messages clearly and effectively to convince people.

In the past, these were done face-to-face in front of a huge audience. Nowadays, people can do it with just a simple tap on their gadgets. Either can be effective in inspiring and influencing people into certain decisions or actions.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript to know more about what rhetoric is.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some instances that you have used rhetoric?
  2. What are some good qualities of rhetoric?
  3. Where can rhetoric be effective or useful?
  4. Who are some famous people who are good at rhetoric?
  5. What skills should you possess to deliver good rhetoric?
  6. Are there other ways to persuade people? What are they?
  7. Is social media affecting the way leaders and other people connect with the public or general audience?
  8. How has rhetoric shaped our history in both good and bad ways?

Why You Should Try to Be More Selfish

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The risk for most individuals isn’t that they disregard others in the name of their own wants; rather, it is that they continuously put true inner growth on hold in favor of the notion of so-called respectable judgment.

Watch the video and discover why sometimes, we need to be more selfish.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your concept of selfishness?
  2. Do you consider yourself selfish? Why or why not? What would you say is the most selfish thing you’ve ever done?
  3. When is okay to be self-absorbed? Explain.
  4. What are the good and bad things about putting yourself first?
  5. What is your take on this statement: “The world won’t fall apart if we neglect some of our commitments.“?

Kids Getting Older Younger

B2 – Upper Intermediate

New technology may be exposing children to more data, attempting to make them more cognitively sophisticated. Is it causing them to mature more quickly or more slowly than generations past? To see if they are undoubtedly growing up much quicker is a matter of interpretation. It may also be necessary to refresh what we consider are the accomplishments of transformation and what it tends to mean to leave the nest.

Let us read the full text to find out if children nowadays grow up quite quickly.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Is unlimited access to news, social media, and other privileges forcing the present generation into emotional maturity before they reach adulthood? Share your two cents on this.
  2. Do you agree or disagree that children now are more savvy than previous generations? Explain your stand.
  3. Do you think we’ve become obsessed with technology? Why or why not?
  4. How does technology affect children’s learning and development?
  5. What are the benefits and drawbacks of technology in education and to the new generation?
  6. Should we blame technology or failed parenting for KGOY?

The Benefits of Boredom

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Boredom is often perceived as a negative emotional state. We perceive our environment as tedious and lacking of stimulation. But it can actually be a good thing. It can actually be a catalyst for action.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about the benefits of boredom.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the benefits of boredom stated in this material? Why or why not?
  2. Time seems to pass more slowly when you are bored. What activities do you find the most boring?
  3. How does boredom make you feel? What do you do when you are bored?
  4. Do you think that now we have too many entertainment choices? Why or why not?
  5. Is boredom necessary? Explain your answer.

How to Live with Your Regrets

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It is not always convenient to do the things that have made people who they are, having put in place from a range of perspectives and mishaps. People like to say things like “the past is just a history” and “it has no contribution to my life now,” or “I have no remorse.”

But the matter must be disclosed. Failures and circumstances contribute significantly in shaping us into who we are today.

Take a look at the full text to know how to live life with regrets.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How can regrets help us develop?
  2. How has some things that you regret affected or changed you?
  3. Were your hopes and dreams as a child fulfilled? Why or why not?
  4. Think about relationship experiences you’ve had that you regret.
  5. How can one cope with the regrets they carry with them?
  6. Why is life full of regrets?

Is Being Kind Good for You?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Kindness is an important human virtue. Simple acts of kindness to our loved ones, to strangers, and even to ourselves make the world a happier place.

So during this challenging time, it is very important to treat everyone with kindness. It creates an opportunity to show others that we care and it could be our biggest defense against some social, psychological, and mental consequences of Covid-19.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about the benefits of kindness.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you a kind person? Are you attracted to kind people? Explain your answer.
  2. Can you think of a life-changing act of kindness in your life?
  3. When you are kind to others and they are not, what policy do you adopt? Do you keep going or do you feel abused and stop being kind to them?
  4. Who is the kindest person you know? What are some of their acts of kindness?
  5. Do you believe that kindness depends on gender? Explain your thoughts.