
B1 – Intermediate

Our birthday is a very important day and it is a day that makes us feel special. There are many ways to celebrate your birthday. Some throw big parties and open gifts after their big birthday celebrations. How do you celebrate your birthday?

Let’s listen to the audio and read the transcript about birthdays below.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How important are birthdays to you and why?
  2. How do you prefer to celebrate your own birthday?
  3. How do people usually celebrate birthdays in your country? What other birthday traditions are common in your country?
  4. Have you ever had a bad birthday? If so, what happened?
  5. Do you usually organize your own birthday party? Or do you prefer to have someone else organize it for you? Explain.
  6. Do you worry about getting older or does ageing not really bother you? Share your thoughts.

Voluntourism: More Harm than Good?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Teaching English in foreign countries, helping to build schools and orphanages, working on conservation projects … These are all examples of voluntourism. It’s a combination of visiting other countries while doing some volunteer works too.

Dedicating time and effort to doing volunteer activities seems great and fulfilling. But is it all what it’s cracked up to be? 

Watch the video about voluntourism and its downsides.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to what’s discussed in this video?
  2. Has anyone shared their volunteering experience with you? What did they tell you? Talk about some of your volunteer works too.
  3. Would you prefer to volunteer with animals or do some administrative work?
  4. Do you think that all job positions are suitable for volunteering? What other jobs can you do as a volunteer?
  5. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to abandon your responsibilities?
  6. What do you think the pros and cons of so-called “voluntourism” are?

Child Prodigies

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Some people are called geniuses for their exceptional intellect or abilities. Who do you consider to be the geniuses of our time? It can be someone known for their accomplishments in science, art, politics, music, cinema, or any other sphere.

Do you ever wonder what becomes of these child geniuses when they become adults?

Please watch the video about what happens to child prodigies when they grow up.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of child geniuses? What do you think it is like to be a prodigy?
  2. Do you agree that talented children need separate schools? Why or why not?
  3. Is it easy to see that a child is a genius? How can parents spot it?
  4. Is it normal for geniuses to fail at certain things?
  5. Do all people have an innate flair for something? Explain your thoughts on this.
  6. Is it enough to work hard to develop one’s skills? Explain.
  7. If you could have been a prodigy at something, what would you like it to be and why?

A Special Restaurant

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Special events and trips are sometimes celebrated by dining in a restaurant. Restaurants represent a different dining and social experience. Famous restaurants, though expensive, are sought-after by dinner who want to get a taste of their lovely and tasty creations. Some people are even willing to book a year in advance just to secure a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript at the link below to learn about a woman’s experience in a special restaurant in Catalonia.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What was one very memorable restaurant that you had been to? What was the best dish you had?
  2. When was the last time you went to an expensive restaurant? How was the experience?
  3. What are some famous restaurants in your city and those that you want to try?
  4. Would you be willing to wait for a year just to be able to eat at a famous restaurant? Why or why not?
  5. What do you look for in a restaurant?
  6. Where can you buy some really good, affordable food in your city? Is there a restaurant that’s affordable but has really good food? What is it?
  7. Do you love imitating restaurant dishes or following recipes at home? Share your experience.

Comfortable: 50 People 1 Question

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As you might know, social media is the main engine helping the body positivity movement spread wider and get people to feel comfortable in their own skin.

Watch the video to find out the differences between how adults and children perceive themselves.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever felt negative about the way you look? How did you deal with it?
  2. Do you think a lot of people nowadays are overly critical of their appearance and want to change it for the better?
  3. Who is unsatisfied with their appearance the most: the adults or the children?
  4. What do the adults want to change? What do the children want to change?
  5. What conclusion can you draw with this information now?
  6. If you were asked to name one thing you would like to change about yourself, what would it be?

Truths about TV Reality Talent Shows

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We are entertained. We watch an ordinary person achieve their dreams of making it. We see a superstar unfold. These and more is why we love TV reality talent shows. 

But are they really only about looking for talents or are there any secrets behind the curtains?

Here is an article that reveals the truth about TV reality talent shows.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Were you surprised by any of the facts from the text? Which ones? Why?
  2. Cite other ways talent shows are beneficial for contestants.
  3. What do you think are the downsides of being part of such shows?
  4. Are there any talent shows in your country? What are they? How popular are they among the audiences in your country?
  5. Do you like this kind of shows? Why or why not?

What is Slow Living?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The modern life constantly presses us to do, perform, or buy more. However, our jobs, quality of work, health, financial security, and communities may suffer. If a hectic life is causing stress, is there anything you can do to manage it?

Slow living may help combat this near-constant state of overload. Please read the article to know more about it.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How is slow living defined in the article?
  2. What are your thoughts on this lifestyle?
  3. What are some preconceived notions about slow living?
  4. What are the benefits of following a slow life according to the article?
  5. Name some disadvantages to this way of life.
  6. Share your experience completing tasks at a leisurely pace. Was it easy or hard for you to do so? Why do you think that is?

WikiLeaks Founder’s Extradition Case

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Wikileaks published, among others, documents and materials that exposed misconduct by the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan. Several rights groups have been throwing their support to WikiLeaks’s founder Julian Assange and have been asking for his release. However, the United States stands firm on its decision to continue asking for the former’s extradition in order for him to face the charges against him.

Let’s watch the short video to know the updates on the extradition request for Julian Assange.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is Julian Assange and what crimes is he facing in the US?
  2. What is your take on this extradition of Julian Assange?
  3. Should matters of national security trample on government transparency?
  4. Should there be a limit to freedom of the press?

Ethical Fading

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We have all have different ways to rationalize our behaviour. We tend to believe that the ethically-questionable decisions we make are fair and justified, which in fact is quite the opposite. Ethical fading is when we engage in unethical behaviour without perceiving it as such.

Watch the video to learn more about ethical fading and be able to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What’s your take on ethical fading and moral disengagement?
  2. Cite some examples in which these situations happen.
  3. Why do some people engage in ethical fading?
  4. What are some ways to prevent it?

How to Avoid Being Starstruck

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most people have idols. These are people they look up to and admire greatly. Most of them are popular people such as movie stars, athletes, musicians and even social media personalities. How do you think fans would react when they encounter their idols face to face?

Let’s read the article and learn some tips on how to avoid being starstruck.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What does to be “starstruck” mean?
  2. Do you agree with the tips mentioned in the article?
  3. Is there anyone you’ve been really star-struck about meeting?
  4. Are people from your country very fond of celebrities?
  5. Who are the biggest celebrities in your country and why do you think they are very popular and well-liked?