A Secret to Success

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Victory, triumph, accomplishment — these are other terms of success. But what really is success to you? Success depends on each individual and what their targets are.

Some people define success if they get rich, some define it if they get promoted from work, and some define it if they have peace of mind.

But one thing is for sure, in order to achieve success, you should have a goal and you need to set your priorities straight. And then work for and focus on it. And if you achieve it, hold on to it and do not be so confident that you’ll never lose it.

Let’s check this eye-opening video about the secret to success.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is success for you?
  2. Do you think the mentor gave him a good advice?
  3. What would be your advice to the man?
  4. What is your goal?
  5. Do you consider yourself successful at this point in your life?

Chatting about a Series

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It’s amazing how there are so many great TV series to watch to entertain and even help us learn. Thus, we can share and talk about these with our family and friends. What series do you enjoy watching?

Let’s listen to this podcast about the TV series.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What series do you think this chat is about?

2. What’s your favorite TV show and why? Can you recommend a TV series? Tell us the plot.

3. What streaming platform do you use to watch TV series? Why have you chosen this platform?

4. Are TV series getting better or worse?

5. Why do you think watching series is a popular past-time?

What’s the Point of Blood Types?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

I don’t think we are consciously aware of why we have different types of blood. For some cultures, it could be a determiner of how you possess your personality.

Scientifically, our blood types are most likely to exist to fend off some infectious diseases such as the one that the world is currently facing. They say that the one that defines blood types are the genes that were inherited.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the personality type associated with your blood type mentioned in the audio?
  2. How important is it to know our blood types? How does knowing it been helpful to you so far?
  3. Are different blood types related to different personalities? Support your stand.
  4. When did you know your blood type? What was the situation you were in that led to you knowing your blood type?
  5. Talk about the unique beliefs in your country related to blood types?

What Kids Can Teach Adults about Asking for Help

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most of the time while we are busy telling our children all about life, our children teach us what life is really all about. Being asked for help is a privilege but there is also happiness and joy that can come from leaning on those you love in times of need.

Watch the video to find out why you should start asking for help in times of need.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is it important to ask help when you need it?
  2. Who usually helps you at your worst? Tell your experience.
  3. Why are some people afraid to ask for help?
  4. Have you helped someone during their most difficult times? How so?

How to Practice Effectively

B2 – Upper Intermediate

You may have heard the old saying that “practice makes perfect”. Mastery, repetition, and habits are concepts often heard in self-development circles. Some have even tried to reduce the attainment of mastery to a matter of focused repetition on a task for a period of 10,000 hours or roughly ten years.

However, as we will see in the following video, effective practice may be more about neural tissue than actual muscle.

Discussion Questions:

  1. According to the video, what role does the brain play in mastery?
  2. What myths about mastery does the video debunk?
  3. What are some tips in making practice time more effective?
  4. What skills are you currently working on? Do you feel that you are on your way to mastering them?

Las Vegas Casinos

B1 – Intermediate

For some, gambling is a way to entertain themselves but for others, it becomes a part of their routine. There are certain things you can remember in order to gamble wisely.

Watch this video on some tips when you go to a casino to gamble.

Discussion Questions:

  1. According to Randall, what are the things you should remember when you gamble? Do you agree or disagree with his tips?
  2. What do you think of gambling?
  3. Is gambling a part of culture in your country? What are the most common forms of gambling in your country? Is there an area in your country famous for gambling?
  4. Do you believe in ‘beginner’s luck’?
  5. What does the expression ‘the house always wins’ mean? Do you think this is true or not?

A Man Collects Old Phones

B1 – Intermediate

Hassan al-Tourky has a fascination for old phones. This is his unusual past-time. He and his children have the same passion for old telephones. They even have a small business for it.

Read the transcript and listen to the audio to find out more about Hassan al-Tourky’s unusual hobby.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your hobbies? What are your unusual hobbies?
  2. What thing/things do you collect? Why do you love them?
  3. If you could collect any old thing what would it be and why?
  4. What thing do you want to own from a famous person?
  5. Do you want your children to have the same hobby as you? Why or why not?
  6. Why is having a hobby important?

Things Making a Comeback During the Pandemic

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of problems and drastic changes in many areas of the economy. However, amidst the crisis, some products and industries are reaping benefits from the massive changes in how we live, work, and shop.

Read the article and know the things making a huge comeback during the pandemic.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Which ones on the list do you think are must-have items during the pandemic? Which ones do you think are not that important?
  2. What items have become in demand again during the pandemic in your country?
  3. What are the things you have bought during the pandemic and what made you buy them?
  4. What are some things you have stopped buying during the pandemic?

Why Do Memes Matter?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Have you ever heard of memes? It has been considered as the language of the internet. Merriam-Webster defines meme as an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media thought to bring light to this trying time. However, internet memes do not only exist to entertain us with the use of the images, but it also could be used to mock or far worst, be the source of disinformation.

Watch the video below and learn more about memes.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do memes amuse you or the contrary? Explain your stand.

2.  How often do you see memes on the internet or your social media accounts? Do they help you feel better and make our world less scary or do they too often cross the line?

3. How do we know if a meme crossed the line?

4. Do you appreciate meme culture? Why or why not?

5.  Does meme culture connect you to a larger internet community?

6.  What are the advantages and possible dangers of this format?

The Salem Witch Trials

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the early months of 1692, Reverend Samuel Parris’ daughter and niece became ill. Despite the help of the village doctor, their conditions did not improve. He then diagnosed the two children of bewitchment. What happened next was a result of paranoia about the supernatural, misdirected religious fervor, and a broken justice system that valued repentance over the truth.

Watch the video to find out more about the witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How did the justice system work in the Salem witch trial?
  2. What is a false confession?
  3. Have you heard of cases wherein innocent people where convicted of a crime they did not commit?
  4. In our present society where the children are generally considered to be credible witnesses, do you think the same mistake might be committed again?
  5. What are your thoughts when the justice system values repentance over the truth?