Why Do We Choose to Text Instead of Talk?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Don’t call until you’ve texted to confirm it’s okay to call. This is one of the cardinal rules of communicating. In general, people prefer to text rather than to call but if we take a closer look at it, calling is much more convenient than texting. You take your phone out, dial the number, then talk to the person on the other end of the line. Also, miscommunication tends to happen more often with texting than calling. So why do we still prefer to text?

Let’s listen to the audio to know some of the reasons why people are more inclined to text rather than talk.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Which form of communication do you prefer: texting or talking? Why?
  2. Have you experienced being misunderstood because of some text that you sent? Describe the experience.
  3. Do you agree or disagree that texting is changing how we interact with each other?
  4. What are the situations in which talking would be a better option than texting?
  5. What are the pros and cons of texting and talking?
  6. What are the possible consequences if we rely too much on texting to convey our messages to others?
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