How to Keep Mentally Healthy During a Quarantine

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the advent of the global pandemic Covid-19, people in many countries were put on lockdown or quarantine in their own homes in order to stop them from passing the virus on to each other. Being restricted to go out of our houses is something no one is accustomed to. Hence, many individuals struggle with this new and hopefully, temporary lifestyle we have.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript of this lesson and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you keep yourself mentally healthy during the quarantine in your country?
  2. Talk about your routine now that you are stuck at home. How is it different from your old routine?
  3. What do you think are some effects of this quarantine on people’s mental health?

Canadians Start ‘Caremongering’ Trend

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the wake of a pandemic in 2020, a new word emerged — Caremongering. No one knows if this word is going to stick around for long for it to be included in dictionaries. Nevertheless, this word is making rounds in Canada.

Read the article to learn about ‘caremongering’ and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Explain the term ‘caremongering’. Why is this important these days?
  2. What does ‘scaremongering’ mean? What are your thoughts on this?
  3. Talk about some acts of kindness you saw on social media.
  4. Would you like to do or have you done anything to practice ‘caremongering’ amidst the pandemic?
  5. What things do you do or you see other people do to remain hopeful despite these hard times?

Mobile Phones Have Killed Photography

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Photography was meant to capture the moments from the real world. Did mobile phones kill photography or have they made it easier for everyone to take photographs?

Watch the short clip below:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree or disagree that mobiles have killed photography?
  2. Do you enjoy taking photographs? Give examples of things you like photographing.
  3. What kind of tools do you use for taking pictures? Which is the best for photography? Do you use editing apps/software?
  4. What is your opinion on filters and editing apps?
  5. Do you agree or disagree with some of Wim Wenders statements: “everyone’s a photographer”, “selfies are not photography”, and “the less you have, the more creative you become”?

Is It a Good Idea to Have a Tattoo?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Nowadays, many people have tattoos and having it has become more socially acceptable. More and more people are using tattoos to represent their hardships or in memory of family, friends, and love ones. Some people consider tattoos a work of art that lets them express themselves. Different people get their tattoos for different reasons and most of the time, it’s sentimental.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the reasons people get tattoos?
  2. What is your opinion about people who have tattoos?
  3. Would you like to have a tattoo? What would it be and why?
  4. What are the pros and cons of getting a tattoo?
  5. What are the differences of tattoos before and now?

Why Does Seeing Someone Yawn Make You Yawn?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Yawning is an involuntary reflex of opening the mouth and inhaling in deeply followed by an exhalation of breath. There are a lot of theories regarding yawning. It is said that it’s a sign of being fatigue, bored, or drowsy. One interesting fact about yawning is that it is contagious. If you see, hear, read, or even think about it can make you yawn.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the reasons you yawn?
  2. Why are yawns contagious?
  3. What do you do to stop yawning?
  4. Is it disrespectful to yawn when somebody is talking?
  5. What should you do if you are caught yawning?

South Korean Men Leads Beauty Market

B2 – Upper Intermediate

South Korean men have begun spending more money on beauty and skincare products. This has become a trend to which men conform more to using cosmetics products that enables them to improve their appearance. Will the Western men’s definition of beauty change because of this fashion?

Let’s read more about it in the article below.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about male beauty?
  2. How is vanity among men viewed in your country? What do you personally think when a man takes care of his skin so much and/or puts on some makeup?
  3. What is your beauty obsession? Why?
  4. How do makeup and beauty products affect masculinity?
  5. Should we associate beauty rituals with femininity or with self-care and success?

Is It Good to Disagree?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We often find ourselves in disagreement with others. It’s inevitable to have it with your friends, family, colleagues, or even strangers. Experiencing this could give you a headache especially if it ends badly. However, disagreements are not always bad. Sometimes it’s necessary and surprisingly healthy.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Dalai Lama said “Disagreement is something normal”. Do you agree or disagree?
  2. How is disagreeing a bad thing and a good thing?
  3. What are the usual things that you disagree with with other people?
  4. How would you explain the phrase “agree to disagree”?
  5. Do you think that people should always compromise? Why?
  6. How can disputes be settled amicably?

Jantelagen: Why Swedes Won’t Talk about Wealth

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In a lot of countries around the world, wealth and everything that comes with it are shiny badges that show everyone that you have made it. However, in Sweden, there’s a cultural code known as jantelagen that prevents people from flaunting their wealth, success, and everything else most people would commonly brag about. 

Read the article and also watch the video to know more about jantelagen and be ready to express your thoughts on this.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on jantelagen? Do you think it should be kept or should it disappear? 
  2. Is this principle upheld in your country? How would you compare Spain and Sweden when it comes to this subject?
  3. Is high income a badge of success in your country? In general, do people feel comfortable or even proud about talking about their salaries or material possessions? 
  4. What are things that people often brag about in your country?
  5. Who is the most humble and the most ostentatious person you know?

Would You Return a Lost Wallet Full of Cash?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

At some point of our life we lost something that is valuable to us. One good example is losing a wallet. Isn’t it puzzling to imagine what will likely to happen if one day someone would find a lost wallet? Well, most of us would predict that it wouldn’t be returned as we assume it is normal to our human nature, but recently there is an intriguing yet very interesting social experiment of losing their wallets filled with cash to be likely returned.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What will you do if you found a lost wallet? Will you return it?
  2. What if it has 10,000 Euros?
  3. Is it stealing if you won’t return it?
  4. What factors would influence your decision whether to return or keep it?
  5. What does this tell us about humanity?

The Lesson That Kobe Bryant’s Death Is Teaching Us

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Everybody was shocked upon hearing the news of the passing of Kobe Bryant, one of the greatest basketball players of all time last Sunday, January 26, 2020 along with 8 others including his 13-year-old daughter Gigi. It brought a shockwave throughout the world as his death is very untimely. He was only 41 and was heading to a basketball tournament when his chopper crashed in the hillside of Calabasas, California.

People who knew him and those who were a fan of his had one thing in common to relish upon remembering the legendary athlete – that he is an inspiration to this generation and the future ones. His death has a great impact on sports and the world.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to the death of Kobe Bryant?
  2. Why did his death shock the world?
  3. What made him legendary?
  4. What is the life lesson we learn from his untimely death?
  5. How would you define life and death?