Spain’s 100% Tax for Homes for Non-EU Residents

B2- Upper Intermediate 

Spain is to impose a tax that is up to 100% of the value of the property on non-EU residents, UK citizens included. This measure is believed to be one of the ways to address the country’s increasing housing crisis.

Read the article about Spain’s plans to impose 100% property tax on foreigners from outside of EU.

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to lose sight of something” mean? “Here in the UK, we also have problems with landlords buying multiple properties and driving up the rest, but this policy is losing sight of those of us who want to spend money in the country.” Use this phrase in a sentence and give a synonym or similar expression.
  2. What does “a drop in the ocean” mean? “But this will be a drop in the ocean in my opinion and there will be other alternatives that will have a higher impact on the housing market.” Use this idiom in a sentence and give a synonym or similar expression.
  3. What is “retrospective tax”? “I definitely wouldn’t consider trying to get in before this tax, because who knows what else they could do, a retrospective tax.” Use this term in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Put your two cents in on this plan by the Spanish government. Are pro or against it? Do you think it could help solve the country’s housing problem? Explain.
  2. How might this impact Spain?
  3. How else can the purchase of homes by non-EU foreigners be limited?
  4. Do you think foreigners buying homes in another country actually adds to the local economy? Share your opinion.
  5. Do you agree with Spain’s “golden visa” scheme being abolished? Elaborate.
  6. If you were a non-EU resident, would you still consider buying a property in Spain now? Why or why not?

Get Kidney Stones by Following Carnivore Diet 

B1- Intermediate 

Nowadays, we see all kinds of diets that are being promoted by influencers on social media. We need to be very cautious not to just follow any of them. It is important to know more information about it and best that we first consult with our doctor or nutritionist if we plan to go on some kind of diet.

Read the article about the influencer who developed kidney stones after following the carnivore diet.

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Explain the “carnivore diet”. “A 23-year-old woman followed the carnivore diet and ended up in hospital.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What are “kidney stones”? “She explained in a TikTok video how the high-protein diet gave her kidney stones.” Use the term in a sentence.
  3. What does “to pass blood” mean? “She was horrified after she passed blood in her urine.” Use this phrase in a sentence and give a similar expression.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. What is your opinion about the carnivore diet?
  3. What are the good and bad things about the carnivore diet? 
  4. What might be the other effects of the carnivore diet on our body/health? 
  5. Share your thoughts on this, “The carnivore diet has been growing in popularity on social media. Many influencers and content creators are promoting its benefits.”.

Effective Communication in the Workplace

B2- Upper Intermediate 

Communication in the workplace is the communication you do at work about work. It is important to know how to communicate very well at work to avoid any miscommunication. Effective workplace communication is key in maintaining harmonious working relationships.

Read the article for some tips for effective communication in the workplace.

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “hold one’s temper” mean? “Hold your temper. An angry person takes the wrong meaning from words.” Use this idiom in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  2. Explain what a “town hall meeting”is. “Hold town hall meetings and cross-functional check-ins.” Use this term in a sentence.
  3. What does “cross-functional check-in” mean, “Hold town hall meetings and cross-functional check-ins.”  Use this term in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why does workplace communication matter?
  2. What are some strategies to have effective workplace communication?
  3. How does your company make sure that an effective communication in the workplace exist? How can it still be improved?
  4. Share your insights on this, “Effective communication in the workplace is all about where, how, and when you’re communicating.
  5. What is your opinion on this statement, “Teams that know how to communicate effectively about work are better prepared for difficult situations.”?

Trump’s Antics Anger Canadians

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Canada, as a young and multicultural nation, often grapples with defining its identity. However, one common sentiment among Canadians is that being ‘Canadian’ means distinctly ‘not American.’ So, when US President Donald Trump suggested Canada should become the 51st US state and referred to former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as Canada’s ‘governor’, a title typically reserved for US state leaders, it sparked widespread anger among Canadians.

Let’s read the article to learn more about the tensions between the USA and the Canadian people.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the idiom “getting the cold shoulder” mean? “Americans are getting the cold shoulder from our neighbors to the north.” Use it in your own sentence and give two synonyms.
  2. Define the verb “jeer“. “Canadians are learning to “Buy Beaver” instead of U.S.-made products. They’re jeering our national anthem at hockey games.” Use it in your own sentence and give two synonyms.
  3. What is the meaning of the idiom “in good conscience“? “They’re writing in, saying ‘I can no longer in good conscience do business with American businesses,'” said Lorenzo McGregor, 45, the co-owner of Tex’s Riverways boat shuttle service here.” Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on the idea of Canada becoming the 51st state of the United States?
  2. Do you think the relationship between the US and Canada will get better in the near future? Why or why not?
  3. Has your country ever experienced trade disputes with other nations? If so, what were the circumstances?
  4. Are there significant taxes placed on foreign goods or services in your country?
  5. How would you describe your country’s current relationship with the US?
  6. What is “Buy Beaver”? Would you use such an app if your country got into a dispute with another country?

Fear of Flying is Pushing Ticket Sales Down

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Flight anxiety has soared, causing a nosedive in sales. Since the beginning of the year, a series of fatal accidents and alarming incidents have shaken Americans’ confidence in air travel, leading some passengers to reconsider their travel plans, according two airlines involved in crashes.

Let’s read the article to explore how fatal plane crashes influence people’s decisions about flying.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “consumer confidence” mean? “Consumer confidence and certainty in air travel started to wane a little bit as questions of safety came in.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “regulatory filing” mean? “On Monday the company revised its expected revenue growth for the quarter down by half in a regulatory filing.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. Define the phrase “closed door meeting“. “CNN has not confirmed that exchange at the closed door meeting.” Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what ways have recent crashes influenced airline ticket sales?
  2. Have the recent crashes affected your confidence in air travel? Why or why not?
  3. Are you someone who carefully listens to the safety briefing before flying? If yes, why do you tend to so?
  4. What do you find most stressful about flying?
  5. What’s the roughest turbulence you’ve encountered during a flight? Did it make you reconsider flying?

Tesla’s Challenges Run Deeper than Toxic Controversy around Elon Musk

B2- Upper Intermediate 

Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s controversial views and actions as of late have not been taken all too well by many. From Department for Government Efficiency (DOGE)’s  radical reforms and axing to a video appearance at a far-right Alternative für Deutschland party rally, and some online attacks on British politicians, Musk has been in the center of everything.

All this is causing a huge public backlash against Tesla. This may have contributed in the company’s decline in sales. 

Read this article about how Tesla’s problems run deeper than the controversies revolving Elon Musk.

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “unequivocal” mean? “Musk has also been unequivocal in his response. “This level of violence is insane and deeply wrong,” he said in a recent interview with Fox News. “Tesla just makes electric cars and has done nothing to deserve these evil attacks.”.” Use this word in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  2. What does “at the helm” mean? “And if that is the case, can Tesla really build on its past success with Musk remaining at the helm?” Use this idiom in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  3. What is a “figurehead”? “Musk, the figurehead of the company, has driven this all forward, since he joined Tesla in 2004 as its chairman and principal funder.” Use this term in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you think Tesla will be affected by Musk’s views and involvement in the Trump administration?
  2. How can Tesla retain its position as the world’s best-selling maker of electric vehicles (EVs)?
  3. This violence against US showrooms should be treated as “domestic terrorism”. What is your opinion on this?
  4. If you were an EV enthusiast, would you stop supporting TESLA because of these controversies Musk have been entangled with recently? Explain.
  5. Does the company leaders or businesses’ views and actions affect your support of or loyalty to a brand? Why or why not?

The Robots Are Coming for Your Job Sooner Than You Think

B2 – Upper Intermediate

AI is advancing rapidly, and researcher Adam Dorr warns it will soon replace not just repetitive tasks, but entire professions. As automation spreads, industries will transform faster than expected, forcing societies to rethink jobs and the economy.

Read the article about the risks and possibilities of AI dominance, from job losses to a future of abundance and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “stark warning” mean? “For those clinging to the belief that automation and robots are still decades away from significantly impacting the workforce, Adam Dorr, director of research at the think tank RethinkX, has a stark warning: this change is going to be fundamental, and it’s coming faster than nearly anyone thinks.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ’stark warning’ in your own sentence.
  2. What does “at a breakneck pace” mean? “The future of AI isn’t a distant possibility—it’s already here, Dorr says, reshaping industries at a breakneck pace.” Use it in a sentence and give 2 synonyms.
  3. What does “watershed event” mean? “AI will not remain confined to a computer, Dorr said, arguing that one of the big watershed events on the horizon will be the marriage of advanced AI with robotics.”  Use it in a sentence and give 2 synonyms.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about Adam Dorr’s prediction that AI will automate entire professions faster than expected? Do you think his timeline is realistic? Why or why not?
  2. The article suggests that AI will take over jobs gradually by replacing tasks first. How might this impact job training and career planning for future generations?
  3. Dorr envisions a future where AI eliminates scarcity and makes human labor optional. Do you think this is an achievable utopian vision, or are there obstacles that could prevent it?
  4. The rise of AI-driven automation could increase economic inequality if controlled by a few powerful entities. What steps can governments or businesses take to ensure that AI benefits everyone?
  5. With AI advancing rapidly, some experts propose solutions like universal basic income (UBI) to support displaced workers. Do you think UBI is a viable solution? Explain. Or are there better ways to address job displacement? If so, what are they?

CEO Tells Parents to Keep Kids Off Roblox

B2- Upper Intermediate 

Roblox is an online game platform that was created in 2004 and released in 2006. In the UK, the site is the most popular among gaming enthusiasts from ages eight to 12.

Amidst allegations that children using the platform are constantly exposed to explicit or harmful contents, the company’s CEO Dave Baszucki advised parents to keep their children off the site if they have concerns over their safety.

Read this article about Roblox CEO’s message to parents.

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “dogged” mean? “The site, which is the most popular in the UK among young gamers aged eight to 12, has been dogged by claims of some children being exposed to explicit or harmful content through its games, alongside multiple reported allegations of bullying and grooming.” Use this word in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  2. What does “counter-intuitive” mean? “That sounds a little counter-intuitive, but I would always trust parents to make their own decisions.” Use this word in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  3. What does “with the best will in the world” mean? “There are parental controls, and our users would urge constant parental supervision. But we all know that with the best will in the world, life sometimes gets in the way.” Use this idiom in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on this statement by Roblox CEO Dave Baszucki? “My first message would be, if you’re not comfortable, don’t let your kids be on Roblox.” 
  2. How do you think this statement could affect the company? 
  3. What can companies and parents alike do to ensure children’s safety on gaming platforms?
  4. Do you agree or disagree with what Ellie Gibson said that Mr. Baszucki’s message risked sounding “a bit of a get out”? Share your thoughts.
  5. If a site or app a child is using is dogged by claims of kids’ exposure to explicit or harmful contents, what should their parents do?

People Happiest in the Mornings

B1- Intermediate 

Do you ever notice which time during the day you feel the happiest?

A study found that people are happiest in the mornings and saddest at midnight. 

Read this article about people’s mental well-being at different times of the day.

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “worthwhile” mean? “They asked people to rate their feelings of happiness, overall satisfaction with life, and how worthwhile they thought life was.” Use this word in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  2. What does “unwind” mean? “The researchers also found that we felt happiest on Sunday mornings, when our anxiety is lower. This is because we have the chance to unwind on Saturdays.” Use this word in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  3. What does “to splash out” mean? “We are more likely to have fun and splash out on something nice while shopping.” Use this phrasal verb in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. A study says people are happiest in the mornings, and bluest at midnight.” What is your reaction to the results of the study?
  2. Which time of the day do you think you are the happiest? How about the bluest and explain why?
  3. Share your thoughts on this, “We feel happiest on Sunday mornings, when our anxiety is lower.
  4. What are you more likely to do when you are happy?
  5. What are other “drivers” that could affect people’s positive feelings? Why do you think this is?

Singapore’s Sewage Beer

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When it comes to creative beverages, Singapore has taken things to a whole new level with its unconventional yet sustainable drink — sewage beer. This innovative brew is crafted using recycled wastewater, turning what might seem unappealing into a clean, safe, and environmentally friendly product.

Read this article to know how this unusual idea came about.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “ramp up” mean? “Authorities have said they need to ramp up all water sources, as demand is expected to double by 2065.” Make a sentence with this.
  2. What’s the meaning of “hail from“? “Rummel told onlookers he was in a good position to judge beer, as he hailed from Munich, Germany, home to the Oktoberfest beer festival.” Use this in a sentence.
  3. Define “biennial“. “The idea was to showcase treated wastewater at the country’s biennial International Water Week.” Give two synonyms and make a sentence with this word.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about this type of beer? Would you try it? Why or why not?
  2. Do you think other countries should try this idea? How could it help them?
  3. How does this type of beer help the environment?
  4. Share your thoughts on this statement, “It’s important not to use the term ‘wastewater’ and instead call it used water..
  5. Have you heard of any other drinks or products made using recycled water? What do you think about them?