Child Labour

B2 – Upper intermediate

Child labour is nothing new. It’s been happening since the 18th century. Over the years, do you think that this social problem has been solved or has it evolved to something worse? Read the article below and express your thoughts about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. Does child labour exist in your country?
2. What are steps the government can take to stop child labour?
3. When is it okay for a child to work?
4. Have you experienced working when you were younger?

Cushy Norwegian Prisons


C1 – Advanced

Nobody wants to go to prison. There is fear even in just saying the word. People have very specific images of what prison looks like. But, in Norway, things are just a little bit different than the usual.

This article includes a video. Please read the article first before watching the video to fully understand the video clip.

Anders Breivik: Just how cushy are Norwegian prisons?

Let’s Discuss!

1. Based on the article, explain what “normality principle” is.
2. Describe the prisons in Bastoey island and in Halden.
3. Explain the conditions of the prisoners in Norway and the rights they can still exercise.
4. What is the defense given by the Norwegian system when critics question their prison structure?
5. How would you describe prisons in your country?

Drugs Under Control In Portugal

B2 – Upper intermediate

Portugal had one of the highest drug use rates in Europe. Now, they have the problem under control. Read the article below to learn how Portugal treat their drug abusers. Be ready to express your thoughts.

Drugs Under Control in Portugal


1. Is there a drug abuse situation in your country?
2. What do you think is the best way to combat drug abuse?
3. What are some of the social issues that you think your country (or government) should tackle?

Racism: Then and Now

B1 – Intermediate

How do you understand the word “racism”? This word has been widely used for a long time now, especially more in today’s society.

Read the article below to get more information on what racism is then express your thoughts about it.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How would you explain racism in the past and racism now?
  2. How are people of a different color or appearance treated in your home country?
  3. Can you tell a story of experiencing or witnessing racism?
  4. What are some ways we can prevent racism and discrimination?
  5. Have you ever experienced being discriminated against?
  6. In what ways is racism and discrimination a problem in society?
  7. Some people believe that humanity is divided into distinct races, others believe that all human beings belong to only one race. What do you think of this?

Cyberbullying On The Rise

B1 – Intermediate

When people start using technology to put people down, a new threat emerges. Click below to find out more about cyberbullying and why it has become so widespread.



1. After reading the article, how would you define cyberbullying?
2. What are some ways to help lessen the instances of cyberbullying?
3. Is it right for the government to get involved in such issues?

Video: Women and Self-defence

B2 – Upper intermediate

Click on the title below and listen to the story of Rana Abdelhamid and how her movement is empowering Muslim women in her country.

Teaching self-defence to Muslim women


1. Describe how Rana Abdelhamid feels about martial arts?
2. What is WISE and how did it start? What is the story behind this initiative?
3. Have you noticed an increase in discrimination and violence in your country?
4. According to the video, what makes Muslim women more susceptible to facing violence?
5. How would you protect yourself if you are threatened?

A Minority for Every Occasion

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Rent-A-Minority website is described as “a revolutionary new service” which was created for those times when you remember your event consists completely of Caucasian men.

Discover the reasons why the creator came up with such idea and how social media was set abuzz by this website.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What was your initial reaction to the article?
  2. What is your understanding of positive discrimination?
  3. At your workplace, would you say that you have a good mix of different races? Why or why not?

How Diversity Has Changed America

B2 – Upper intermediate

Diversity in America is nothing new. With thousands of migrants and immigrants flocking the United States for a number of reasons.

Read the article below to know some facts about some of the more diversified states in the US.

How Diversity Has Changed America


1. How diverse is the population in Spain?
2. Which cities are more diverse?
3. How does immigration affect the locals?
4. What do you think is the difference between a migrant and an immigrant?

The Social Pressure of Sexting for Teenagers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Texting is a great way to stay in touch with friends. But, teenagers have actually reached a new high when it comes to sending more than just a message.

What is sexting and how dangerous is it for teenagers? Read this article and express your thoughts.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on the rising problem with sexting among teenagers?
  2. What are the dangers of using the technology without restriction on teenagers?
  3. What are some things we can teach our children about e-safety?
  4. How do you protect yourself when you’re using technology?

Social Hermits

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Social Media  has definitely changed our society.  Now, we can easily get information on what’s going on with people from other countries.  We can get connected with our friends or relatives living miles away.

But because of  the usefulness, efficiency and effectiveness of social media, people are becoming too connected and dependent on it. Is social media really helping us become  more connected with others?

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Do social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter make people more social? Or do these sites make people become loners? Of course, social networking sites let people stay in contact, which is especially helpful in the busy world of today.

Social networking offers positives. For example, the various sites and apps help people keep in contact with “proximity friends.” These are people who are or were physically close but not personally close, such as former classmates and colleagues, parents of the children your kids play with in the neighborhood, and friends of friends. We might send these people holiday or birthday cards, or call with congratulations of a wedding or a newborn.

However, face-to-face contact is quite rare. There is the feeling of contact, but it may be superficial and achieved through emails and instant messages. The contact might not be deep and rich, even if many people know more small details about one another.

People “talk” with one another more frequently, but they meet in person less frequently. So let’s return to the original question: Are people becoming social hermits?


Discussion Questions:

1. Have you (or do you) use social networking sites? Talk about the pluses and minuses.
2. Are people better or worse communicators because of social network sites?
3. What is a social hermit? What images or ideas does this phrase raise?
4. How might social networking sites be used for business or education?