Are You Happy?

B1 – Intermediate

Knowing what happiness is can be difficult to explain. People from different situations will give different kinds of answers.

Read the article below and be ready to answer some discussion questions.

Although you may not be able to measure your happiness levels, you can still take some advice to increase the positive emotions in your life.

It’s difficult for experts to understand happiness. However, according to experts, married people are generally happier. Richer people also tend to be happier, although they then compare their wealth to their peers (and maybe don’t feel so rich). And if you live in a richer country, you’re likely happier too.

But it’s not easy to earn more money, move to a rich country, or find the perfect partner. Some things you can control include exercise, because healthy bodies and minds lead to happiness. You should also solve problems sooner rather than later. Spending time in nature also lowers stress, which might then improve happiness. Meditation is also very effective.


Discussion Questions:

1. Are you generally a positive or a negative person? Why do you think so?
2. Why do you think some people are so happy? Why are other people so unhappy?
3. What advice would you give to someone for a happier life? Please explain.

Barbie the Most Famous Doll in the World

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The Barbie doll has always been an iconic toy. It’s  famous throughout the globe. During the past decades, Barbie doll has undergone through many developments in terms of its appearance. But recently, another toy company has produced a doll that also captures the eyes of children.

Read this lesson about Barbie, the most famous doll, turning 50.

Discussion Questions:

1. Was the Barbie doll famous during your time? How about now?
2. What are some of the popular toys that became part of your childhood?
3. What can guarantee the popularity of a certain toy or merchandise?
4. What kind of toys are good for children?

Europe Must Wake Up to Terror Threats

B2 – Upper intermediate

With the recent attacks in some European countries, a top member of the French government has expressed the need to take action to defend itself from terrorist threats.

Europe must wake up to terror threats


1. What is your definition of terrorism?
2. Is there a difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist?
3. If a country repeatedly kills innocent civilians while trying to kill terrorists, does that country take part in terrorism?

Japanese Managers Tell Employees to Learn English

B2 – Upper intermediate

It’s no surprise that English has become the world’s language when it comes to business and learning English in companies is now the norm.

Click the title and read the article to know more about the company Rakuten and its journey with the English language.

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Explain the reason why Japanese managers would like their employees to be able to speak in English. Do you agree with their logic?
  2. How do you feel about the whole experience of learning English?
  3. In the article, it said that “…it is humiliating for Japanese workers to speak English. It is thought of as a way of getting rid of unwanted workers.” What is your reaction to this?
  4. Aside from English, what other languages do you think are very useful to learn?
  5. How would you describe your country’s education of English in schools?

Will New Two-Child Policy Lift China’s Economy?


B2 – Upper intermediate

For the longest time China has sat tight with the law of one child per family. But, in 2015, the country announced its plan of lifting the old law and moving forward with two children per family.

Read the article below then express your thoughts about the topic.

Will New Two-Child Policy Lift China’s Economy?


1. What do you know of China’s previous one-child policy?
2. Is it good for the government to pass such laws?
3. How would you describe the population in your country?

The End of Digital Age

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The 1970s gave birth to the digital age. A period when the personal computer was introduced, giving us the ability to transfer information at almost lightning speed. But what would happen if the advancements and breakthroughs arrived at the pace of a tortoise instead of a hare? Or what would happen if it all just came to a complete standstill?

Read the lesson and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Computers have become intertwined with nearly every aspect of our society, and their disappearance would be inconceivable. We take them for granted, as we do the technological advancements that appear every few years, almost like clockwork. Computers get quicker, the Internet offers more information, and other household devices like TVs and DVD players simply do more. But what would happen if the advancements and breakthroughs arrived at the pace of a tortoise instead of a hare? Or what would happen if it all just came to a complete standstill?

It’s a realistic scenario. and microchip manufacturers are concerned. The chips, which power all our electronics nowadays, have begun to reach technological limits because they just can’t shrink much more in size. To stave off the impending problem, manufacturers have poured billions of dollars into research and development, working toward chips that blend computing muscle with innovative behavior. The microchips will handle their tasks with greater finesse, and thereby hopefully avert the looming problem. Think smart chips are capable of adjusting their function based on the needs of the program and the user. However, the paucity of answers beyond that point serves as a portent for the end of the digital age. perhaps occurring around 2020.

It’s a race among chip manufacturers, as they scramble to maintain Moore’s law. Gordon Moore, the founder of Intel, anticipated that the processing power of a chip would double every two years. So far, he’s been right on the money. In fact, microchips have outstripped expectations, for their processing power has better than doubled every two years. A slowdown or end of the digital age would prove detrimental to the economies around the world. Electronics would cost more, on top of which consumers wouldn’t upgrade because of fewer new products.


Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think the proposed scenario will happen in the future?
2. What do you think would happen if there were a technological crash?
3. How often do you use computers? Would a technological slow down concern you?
4. Do you think there are greater problems facing the world in the near future? If yes, what are they?
5. What do you think computers will be like 5/10 years from now?

Russia Interested in Undersea Cables


C1 – Advanced

Is it any surprise that Russia is involved in something so covert and “underground”? Read the article below then express your thoughts about the topic at hand.

Why Is Russia Interested in Undersea Internet Cables?


1. What could be Russia’s motive to lurk around undersea cables?
2. What do you think will happen if those internet cables will crash?
3. Are you worried about Internet theft by China or Russia?

Death Penalty Too Costly

B2 – Upper intermediate

Every day, people are executed by the state as punishment for a variety of crimes. Read the article below and express your thoughts about the death penalty.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

The United States still executes criminals for very serious crimes. People who support the death penalty believe that the fear and threat of death reduce serious crimes. However, opponents don’t believe this argument. And, maybe more importantly, innocent people could be put to death. More than 200 prisoners previously on death row have been freed because DNA showed that they didn’t commit the crime.

States may get rid of the death penalty not because of ethical reasons, though. Because many states face budget crises, financial reasons may push along the change. Prisoners on death can row can appeal the decision, and it may take ten or twenty years before the person is finally put to death. That means it costs roughly $4 million per prisoner, which is a ridiculously high cost.

Life on prison without any chance to get out costs ten times less than an execution. That’s a lot of money, even in more economically stable times. But politicians are looking closely at budgets in order to cut costs and make ends meet. Fewer death sentences may be the result.


Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think about the death penalty? Why?
2. Can you think of three reasons why supporters think the death penalty works?
3. Can you think of three reasons why opponents think the death penalty doesn’t work?
4. Does your country have the death penalty? Why/not?
5. How can serious crimes be reduced? Think of three reasons with a partner.

Smoking Will Kill Young Men in China

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Because of various researches and studies, we have become aware of the consequences of smoking. In China, alarming results of a report exposes the dangers of smoking among young Chinese men.

Read the article below and be ready to talk about health.

Discussion Questions:

1. Explain the graph (The Price of Smoking Around the World) featured in the article.
2. Do you think that increasing the price of cigarettes will help reduce the number of smokers or cigarette-related deaths?
3. What are other good ways to discourage people from smoking?

Revisiting the Gun Debate in America


B2 – Upper intermediate

There is a strange correlation between the United States and school shootings. Debates on gun control have emerged since but people are still awaiting conclusions.

Read the article and watch the video, then share your thoughts about the topic.

Revisiting the Gun Debate in America


1. What is your reaction to the whole issue of gun control in the US?
2. Does your country have very good laws when it comes to owning and purchasing firearms?
3. In the US, what do you think is the root cause for their increased gun violence?